R 385
Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)NoticesNational Bargaining Council for the Private Security SectorMain Collective AgreementDispute ResolutionPart One: Serving and Filing of Documents7. How to file documents with the Council |
(1) | A party must file documents with the Council— |
(a) | by handing the document to the regional office of the NBCPSS; |
(b) | by sending a copy of the document by registered post to the regional office of the Council at the address listed in Schedule One; or |
(c) | by faxing or e-mailing the document to the regional office at a number or e-mail address listed in Schedule One. Documents filed by means of e-mail must be transmitted in MS Word or PDF format. |
(2) | A document is filed with the Council when— |
(a) | the document is handed to the regional office listed in Schedule One; |
(b) | a document sent by registered post is received, or presumed to be received as provided for in Rule 8, by the regional office of the NBCPSS listed in Schedule One: |
(c) | the transmission of a fax is successfully completed; or |
(d) | the e-mail is received in the regional office, as provided for in the Electronics Communications and Transactions Act 25 of 2002. |
(3) | A party must only file the original of a document, if requested to do so by the Council or a commissioner. A party must comply with a request to file an original document within seven (7) days of the request, |