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Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)NoticesBargaining Council for the Furniture Manufacturing IndustryWestern CapeCollective Bargaining Fee Collective AgreementExtension to Non-parties of the Collective Bargaining Fee Collective AgreementChapter 16. Unpaid Bargaining Levy |
6.1 | Should any amounts due to the Council in terms of this agreement not be received by the Council by the 15th day of the month following the month in respect of which the amounts are payable, the employer shall forthwith be liable for and be required to pay Interest on such amounts or on such lesser amounts that remain unpaid at a rate which does not exceed the maximum rate as prescribed by the Prescribed Rate of Interest Act, 1975 (Act 55 of 1975)(as amended), calculated from the 16th day of the month until the day upon which the payment is actually received by the Council and reflects in the Council's bank account. The Council shall be entitled at its absolute discretion to waive payment of such interest or part thereof in any individual instance. |
6.2 | In the event of the Council incurring any costs or becoming obliged to pay any collection costs and commission by reason of the failure of the employer to make any payment on or before the applicable due date, the employer shall then also be liable to forthwith pay all such collection costs and commission to the Council and the Council shall be entitled In Its absolute discretion to allocate any payment received from such an employer firstly to such costs, collection commission and interest, and thereafter to the reduction of the unpaid Collective Bargaining Levy. |
6.3 | Disputes about the Interpretation, application or enforcement of this Agreement shall be resolved in accordance with the Dispute Resolution Procedure as described in the Council's Main Collective Agreement. |