R 385
Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)NoticesBargaining Council for the Restaurant, Catering and Allied TradesExtension to Non-parties of the Main Collective Agreement11. Special-Function Casual Employees |
(1) | Travelling to place of work: A special function casual employee shall be deemed to have commenced work from the time he is required to present himself for work, and does so at a place designated by the employer, and shall be deemed to have ceased work on being returned to the designated place by his employer. |
(2) | Payment for cancelled shifts: An employer who fails to give a special-function casual employee not less than 48 hours' notice of the cancellation of any arrangement to work at a function shall pay such employee an amount as though such employee had worked not less than five hours at the function concerned: Provided that where a function is cancelled owing to an act of God, the employer shall be entitled to cancel his arrangement with the special-function casual employee by giving not less than 24 hours' notice, failing which the employee shall be entitled to five hours pay as aforesaid. |
(3) | Disciplining of special-function casual employee: |
(a) | A special-function casual employee shall give his employer not less than 48 hours' notice of the cancellation of any arrangement to work at a function: Provided that such employee shall be entitled to give his employer 24 hours' notice of such cancellation in the event of being prevented by any act of God from fulfilling such arrangement or producing a medical certificate stating that he was prevented from working at the particular function as a result of his being incapacitated. |
(b) | An employee who has not given the notice or produced the medical certificate referred to in paragraph (a) shall pay the employer in lieu of such notice an amount equal to five hours' pay, or an employer may appropriate to himself from any moneys which he owes to such employee by virtue of any provision of this Agreement an amount of not more than that which such employee would have had to pay him in lieu of notice. |