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Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)


South African Road Passenger Bargaining Council

Extension to Non-Parties of the Main Collective Agreement

19. Sick Leave


19.1 Sick leave cycle means the period of 36 months' employment with the same Employer immediately  following:
19.1.1 an Employee's commencement of employment; or
19.1.2 the completion of the Employee's prior sick leave cycle.


19.2    During every sick leave cycle, an Employee is entitled to an amount of paid sick leave equal to the number of days the Employee would normally work during a period of six weeks.


19.3 Despite sub-clause 19.2, during the first six months of employment, an Employee is entitled to one day's paid sick leave for every 26 days worked.


19.4 During an Employee's first sick leave cycle, an Employer may reduce the Employee's entitlement to sick leave in terms of sub-clause 19.2 by the number of days' sick leave taken in terms of sub-clause 19.3.


19.5 An Employer must pay an Employee for a day's sick leave:
19.5.1 the basic wage the Employee would ordinarily have received for the ordinary hours of work on that day and
19.5.2 on the Employee's usual payday.


19.6 An agreement may reduce the pay to which an Employee is entitled in respect of any day's absence in terms of this clause if:
19.6.1 the number of days of paid sick leave is increased at least commensurately with any reduction in the daily amount of sick pay and
19.6.2 the Employee's entitlement to pay: for any day's sick leave is at least 75 percent of the basic wage payable to the Employee for the ordinary hours the Employee would have worked on that day and for sick leave over the sick leave cycle is at least equivalent to the Employee's entitlement in terms of sub-clause 19.2.