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Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)NoticesBargaining Council for the Civil Engineering IndustryBCCEI : Extension of Dispute Resolution Collective Agreement to Non-PartiesDispute Resolution Collective Agreement for the Civil Engineering IndustryAnnexure A : Rules for the conduct of Dispute Resolution proceedings before the Bargaining Council for the Civil Engineering Industry (BCCEI)Chapter One : Service and Filing of Documents4. Persons who may sign documents |
(1) | A document that a party must sign in terms of the Act or these Rules must be signed by him or her personally or by his or her representative. |
(a) | Where proceedings are jointly instituted or opposed by more than one employee, all documents must be signed by all the employees or by their representative or by one of the employees if mandated to sign on behalf of all the other employees. If an employee has been so mandated, the mandate must be attached to the document. |
(b) | A written list of the employee or of all employees who are instituting or opposing the proceedings must be attached to all documents. The list must contain the full names, identity numbers and telephone numbers of all the employees and, where possible, also their physical and e-mail addresses. |
(3) | The onus is on all parties to any proceedings before this Council to advise the Council of any changes in their personal and/or contact details. |