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Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)NoticesNational Bargaining Council for the Chemical IndustryGlass Sector2023/2025 Collective AgreementChapter 3 - Different Types of Leaves and Traditional Healers11. Compassionate Leave |
Employees will be entitled to four (4) days paid leave per occasion of death of immediate family, namely spouse, parents, children, brother, or sister and legally adopted children. A death certificate will be required. The employee will be entitled to a further one (1) day's unpaid leave.
In addition to the above, the type of leave will be extended to the employee's parents-in-law, subject to the following:—
11.1. | The deceased being the biological or adoptive. |
11.2. | Submission of acceptable documentation proof to support the above. including the prior submission of copies of the identity documents of the parents-in-law, which would be kept in the employee's personal file. |
11.3. | This would be a once-off benefit. |