R 385
Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)NoticesBargaining Council for the Food Retail, Restaurant, Catering and Allied TradesExtension to Non-parties of the Main Collective Agreement12. Time and Wage Registers and Attendance Registers |
(1) | It shall be the duty of every employer to keep a time and wage register and therein shall be inscribed— |
the full name of the employee;
whether male or female;
daily hours worked;
overtime worked;
gross wage;
authorized deductions;
net total paid;
signature of employee as receipt.
(2) | It shall be the duty of every employer to provide in his establishment one or more attendance registers as specified in Annexure B to this Agreement in which provisions is made for the entries which employees, other than managers and unskilled employees, are required to make: Provided that in lieu of such attendance registers an employer may provide a semiautomatic time recorder with the necessary cards, giving the following information: |
(i) | name of employee; |
(ii) | time of commencing work; |
(iii) | time of finishing work; |
(iv) | time of commencing and termination of each meal interval off work; |
(v) | time of starting and finishing overtime worked; |
(vi) | total number of hours worked each day; |
(vii) | total number of hours worked each week. |
(3) | Every employer shall keep a daily record in the time and wage register of the hours worked by all unskilled employees. |
(4) | Every employer shall retain the completed time and wage registers and attendance registers or semi-automatic time record cards for a period of three years subsequent to the date of completion thereof. |