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Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)NoticesBargaining Council for the Food Retail, Restaurant, Catering and Allied TradesExtension to Non-parties of the Main Collective AgreementAnnexuresAnnexure F : Schedule 8 - Code of Good Practice : Dismissal1. Introduction |
(1) | This code of good practice deals with some of the key aspects of dismissals for reasons related to conduct or capacity. It is intentionally general. Each case in unique, and departures from the norms established by this Code may be justified in proper circumstances. For example, the number of employees employed in an establishment may warrant a different approach. |
(2) | The act emphasis the primacy of collective agreements. This Code is not intended as a substitute for disciplinary codes and procedures where these are the subject of collective agreements, or the outcome of joint decision making by an employer and a workplace forum. |
(3) | The key principle in this Code is that employers and employees should treat one another with mutual respect. A premium is placed on both employment justice and the efficient operation of business. While employees should be protected from arbitrary action, employers are entitled to satisfactory conduct and work performance from their employees. |