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Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)NoticesNational Bargaining Council for the Hairdressing, Cosmetology, Beauty and Skincare IndustryExtension to Non-parties of the Consolidated Collective Agreement in terms of Sec 32(2) of the LRATerms and Conditions that will apply Nationally6. Application for Registration of an Establishment |
6.1 | Prior to the commencement of the rendering of Cosmetology Services at an Establishment, every Employer or Legal Owner of an Establishment shall apply to the Council in the form specified in annexure "A" for registration of the Establishment and shall, as part of the registration process, also submit a duly completed annexure "B" in respect of all Employees employed at the Establishment. |
6.2 | A separate application shall be completed in respect of each Establishment operated by an Employer or Legal Owner. |
6.3 | No disqualified person may have a direct or indirect interest in or operate an Establishment. |
6.4 | For the purpose of clause 6.3 above, a disqualified person shall be an Employer or Legal Owner, that: |
6.4.1 | owes any sum to any Employee or former Employee in the Industry in respect of remuneration or wages, which remains unpaid in contravention of this Agreement, and/or; |
6.4.2 | owes any sum of money to the Council in contravention of any obligation under this Agreement; and/or; |
6.4.3 | has failed to pay contributions of any Employee, whether in whole or in part, to any benefit fund in contravention of the terms of this Agreement. |
6.5 | No Employer or Legal Owner shall be entitled to operate an Establishment unless it has complied with the provisions of clause 6.1 above. |
6.6 | Should any of the details that appears on the annexure "A", submitted by the Employer or Legal Owner upon registration of an Establishment as contemplated in clause 6.1 above, subsequent to registration, change, the Employer or Legal Owner shall be obliged to, within 14 (fourteen) days of such change taking place, notify the Council by way of written notice stating the nature and details of the change, which will be submitted to the Council to [email protected]. |