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Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)NoticesBargaining Council for the Metal and Engineering IndustriesRegistration and Administration Expenses Collective Re-enacting and Amending AgreementSchedule |
In accordance with the provisions of the Labour Relations Act, 1995, made and entered into by and between the—
Association of Electric Cable Manufacturers' of South Africa
Association of Metal Service Centres of South Africa
Bright Bar Association
Cape Engineers' and Founders' Association
Constructional Engineering Association (South Africa)
Covered Conductor Manufacturers' Association
Electrical Engineering and Allied Industries' Association
Electrical Manufacturers Association of South Africa
Electronics and Telecommunications Industries' Association
Federated Employers Organisation of S.A. (FEOSA)
Ferro Alloy Producers' Association
Gate and Fence Association
Hand Tool Manufacturers' Association (HATMA)
Iron and Steel Producers' Association of South Africa
Kwa-Zulu Natal Engineering Industries' Association
Lift Engineering Association of South Africa
Light Engineering industries' Association of South Africa
National Employers Association of S.A. (NEASA)
Non-Ferrous Metal Industries' Association of South Africa
Plumbers, and Engineers, Brassware Manufacturers' Association
Port Elizabeth Engineers' Association
Pressure Vessel Manufacturers' Association of South Africa
Radio, Appliance and Television Association of South Africa (RATA)
Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Manufacturers' and Suppliers' Association
Sheetmetal Industries' Association of South Africa
South African Electro-Plating Industries' Association
South African Engineers and Founders' Association
South African Fasteners Manufacturers' Association (SAFMA)
South African Post Tensioning Association
South African Pump Manufacturers' Association
South African Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Contractors' Association (SARACCA)
South African Reinforced Concrete Engineers' Association (SARCEA)
South African Valve and Actuator Manufacturers' Association (SAVAMA)
(hereinafter referred to as the "employers" or the "employers' organisations"), of the one part, and the
Metal and Electrical Workers Union of South Africa
Solidariteit / MWU - Solidarity / MWU
UASA-The Union
National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA)
South African Equity Workers' Association
(hereinafter referred to as the "employees" or the 'trade unions"), of the other part, being the parties to the Metal and Engineering Industries Bargaining Council.