R 385
Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)NoticesNational Bargaining Council of SA Leather IndustryGeneral Goods and Handbag SectionExtension to Non-Parties General Goods and Handbag SectorNotice No. R. 885 of 20121. Clause 1 - Scope of Application of Agreement |
(1) | The terms of this agreement shall be observed in the general goods and handbag sector of the leather industry: |
(a) | in the Republic of South Africa, which includes the former Republic of Transkei, the former Republic of Bophuthatswana, the former Republic of Venda and the former Republic of Ciskei, as well as the former self-governing territories of KwaZulu, QwaQwa, Lebowa, Gazankulu, KaNgwana and KwaNdebele; |
(b) | by all employers who are members of the employer organisation, and by all employees who are members of the trade unions who are engaged or employed in the General Goods and Handbag sectors of the Leather Industry respectively. |
(2) | Notwithstanding the provisions of subclause (1), the terms of this agreement shall apply only to employees for whom wages are prescribed in Annexure C to the agreement, and to the employers of such employees. |
(3) | Notwithstanding the provisions of subclause (1)(b), the terms of this agreement shall not apply to non-parties in respect of Clause 1 (1)(b) and 2. |