R 385
Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)SchedulesSchedule 9 : Model Constitution for a Statutory Council16. Winding-up |
(1) | At a special meeting called for that purpose, the council, by resolution adopted by a majority of the total number of representatives in the council, may decide to be wound up. |
(2) | Upon adoption of a resolution to wind-up, the secretary must take the necessary steps to ensure that— |
(a) | application is immediately made to the Labour Court for an order giving effect to that resolution; and |
(b) | the council"s books and records of account and an inventory of its assets, including funds and investments, are delivered to the liquidator appointed by the Labour Court, and that whatever may be necessary Is done to place the assets, funds and investments of the council at the disposal and under the control of that liquidator. |
(3) | Each party to the council remains liable for any of its unpaid liabilities to the council as at the adoption of a resolution to wind-up the council. |
(4) | If all the liabilities of the council have been discharged, the council must transfer any remaining assets to— |
(a) | a bargaining council within the same or a similar sector, that has been agreed upon at the special meeting referred to in subclause (1); |
(b) | the Commission, if— |
(i) | there is no bargaining council within the same or a similar sector; or |
(ii) | the parties to the council fail to agree on a bargaining council that is to receive the remaining assets. |