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Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)Chapter VI : Trade Unions and Employers" OrganisationsPart A : Registration and Regulation of Trade Unions and Employers" Organisations97. Effect of registration of trade union or employers" organisation |
(1) | A certificate of registration is sufficient proof that a registered trade union or registered employers" organisation is a body corporate. |
(2) | The fact that a person is a member of a registered trade union or a registered employers" organisation does not make that person liable for any of the obligations or liabilities of the trade union or employers" organisation. |
(3) | A member, office—bearer or official of a registered trade union or a registered employers" organisation or, in the case of a trade union, a trade union representative is not personally liable for any loss suffered by any person as a result of an act performed or omitted in good faith by the member, office—bearer, official or trade union representative while performing their functions for or on behalf of the trade union or employers" organisation. |
(4) | Service of any document directed to a registered trade union or employers" organisation at the address most recently provided to the registrar will be for all purposes service of that document on that trade union or employers" organisation. |