R 385
Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)NoticesNational Bargaining Council of SA Leather IndustryGeneral Goods and Handbag SectionCollective AgreementAnnexuresAnnexure D : Limited Duration Employment Contract |
("the Company")
......................................................................... (name of employee)
("the Employee")
We hereby confirm our offer of employment on a temporary, limited duration basis for the period from ............................................... to
......................................................... ("the termination date") on the terms and conditions set out below.
It is specifically recorded that no guarantee of continued employment with the Company after the termination date as specified above, on either a temporary or permanent basis, is given or implied. No further claim to employment by the Company will be valid unless it is in terms of an agreement in writing signed by yourself and a director of the Company (or his/her duly appointed delegee).
Terms and Conditions:
The Company’s operations fall under the jurisdiction of the National Bargaining Council of the Leather Industry of South Africa ("the Council") and this contract is subject to all terms and conditions of any agreements which are negotiated between the Company’s registered Employers' Organisation (the Association of SA Manufacturers of Luggage, Handbags & General Goods) of the one part, and the National Union of Leather & Allied Workers and Southern African Clothing & Textile Workers" Union, of the other part.
It is specifically recorded that clause 4 (Wage rates and remuneration), clause 5 (Working hours), clause 8 (Leave and public holidays), clause 13 (Organisational rights) and clause 28 (Agency shop), are applicable to this contract.
Your employment is in addition subject to statutory provisions, where applicable, and to the disciplinary, safety and other relevant procedures of the Company as applicable from time to time.
You will be employed as ......................................................... and, subject to the operational requirements of the Company, you will be required to work in any area of the business as required by the Company.
Your rate of pay will be R ................. per 42 hour week. Should it be necessary in terms of the Company’s operational requirements to work reasonable overtime, it is a condition of your employment that you will do so.
Termination of Employment:
The first four weeks of your employment will be regarded as a probationary period. Termination of this employment contract from either side during this probationary period, as well as thereafter and before the termination date specified above, will be subject to the provisions of the Collective Agreement for the General Goods and Handbag Sector and, where applicable, any statutory provisions.
Signed at .......................... on this .................. day of …………….….. 20…….
......................................... Director/Member/Owner |
................................... Witness |
.................................... Witness |
I, .................................................. (print Employee’s name), acknowledge that I have read this agreement / had this agreement explained to me, and that I understand it and accept the employment on the terms and conditions set out herein.
Signed at ........................... on this .................. day of ……..........….. 20…..
....................................................................... Employee |
....................................................................... Witness or Shop Stewards (as applicable) |