R 385
Chapter VIII : Unfair Dismissal and Unfair Labour Practice |
[Chapter VIII heading substituted by section 39 of Act No. 12 of 2002]
185. Right not to be unfairly dismissed or subjected to unfair labour practice
186. Meaning of dismissal and unfair labour practice
187. Automatically unfair dismissals
189. Dismissals based on operational requirements
189A. Dismissals based on operational requirements by employers with more than 50 employees
191. Disputes about unfair dismissals and unfair labour practices
192. Onus in dismissal disputes
193. Remedies for unfair dismissal and unfair labour practice
195. Compensation is in addition to any other amount
197. Transfer of contract of employment
197A. Transfer of contract of employment in circumstances of insolvency
197B. Disclosure of information concerning insolvency