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Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)NoticesMotor Industry Bargaining Council (MIBCO)Main Collective AgreementDivision A : Provisions Applicable to all Establishments in the IndustryClause 3 : Particulars of Employment and Remuneration3.3 Change in Conditions of Employment |
No employer shall, by reason of the introduction of this Agreement, cause or permit the remuneration of any employee who is in receipt of wages higher than those prescribed in this Agreement to be reduced, or dismiss any such employee and re-employ him at a reduced remuneration, or require or permit any employee to pay or repay him the whole or any part of any allowance payable in terms of this Agreement, nor shall he do any act or cause or permit any act to be done as a direct or indirect result of which any employee is deprived of the benefit or any part of the benefit of such allowance.