R 385
Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)NoticesNational Textile Bargaining CouncilCollective AgreementPart 2AnnexuresAnnexure D: Blanket SectionC. Hours of Work18. Short Time |
18.5 | In the event of an act of God, any unforeseen circumstance or emergency, any national pandemic (Novel Corona Virus, etc.), a disruption in utility service (electricity, water, hail damage, etc.) em ployers will be required to give employees four hours' notice of short/reduced hours of work. Employees may be required to work during the four (4) hours' notice period. |
Based on practicability and reasonableness, notification of short time will be proceeded by a consultation process between the management and the Union and /or shop stewards. If the employer fails to give four hours' notice, it must pay the employee in lieu of the required notice. Any work-in arrangement to recover pay and production will be by arrangement at plant level.
[Part 2 Annexure D (C)(18) substituted by Notice No. R. 1398, GG44029, dated 24 December 2020]