R 385
Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)NoticesNational Textile Bargaining Council: Extension to Non-parties of the Main Collective AgreementPart 2AnnexuresAnnexure E: Carpets SubsectorC. Hours of Work18. Short Time |
18.1 | An employer may introduce short time by giving the union and affected employees four hours' prior notice of such short time owing to slackness of trade. |
18.2 | Where short time is being or has been introduced in any establishment, an employee who attends at the establishment, on any day shall, unless he/she has, prior to such day, received notice that his/her services will not be required on such day, be employed for at least half a day or be paid half a day's wages in lieu thereof. |
18.3 | Employees affected by short time shall be transferred, as far as practicable, to positions occupied by temporary employees and be paid the corresponding wage and grade of such temporary employee in any section or department concerned for the period during which such transfers are effective. |