R 385
Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)NoticesNational Textile Bargaining CouncilCollective AgreementPart 2AnnexuresAnnexure E: Carpets SubsectorB. Remuneration3. Minimum Wages |
3.1 | Every employer must pay each employee a wage that is not less than the minimum wage as set out in sub-clause 3.2 below. The minimum wages for the Carpet Subsector which an employer shall pay to employees with effect from the coming into operation of this Agreement shall be as set out in sub-clause 3.2 below, unless exemption is granted. |
3.2.1 | The current weekly rates for all job categories and or grades shall increase, for a normal 45 hour week, by R100.00 across the board as from the coming into effect of this agreement, and by R110.00 per week across the board as from 01 July 2022. |
3.2.2. | The industry minimum wage rate based on a normal 45 hour week will, therefore, be as follows with effect from the coming into operation of this agreement for year one and 01 July 2022 for year two: | | Year One: R43.38 per hour, that is, R1952.10 per week; | | Year Two: R45.82 per hour, that is, R2062.10 per week. |
[Part 2 Annexure E B(3) substituted by Notice No. 498, GG45039, dated 24 August 2021]