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Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)NoticesBargaining Council for the Furniture Manufacturing IndustrySouth Western DistrictsMain Collective AgreementPart lA. Administrative Issues12. Compulsory Retirement Age |
(1) | Subject to the provisions of sub-clause (2) and (3) hereof, any employee who enters the industry shall retire at the age of 60: |
Provided that any employee who is employed in the Industry at the date upon which this Agreement comes into operation and who has already attained the age of 60 years shall retire at or before the age of 65.
(2) | Any employee who is employed in the Industry at the date upon which this Agreement comes into operation and has attained the age of 55 years or more may retire within 5 years of his present age, but shall retire at the age of 65. |
(3) | Any employer who is registered with the Council in terms of clause 5 of this Agreement and every employee who is employed in the Industry as at the date on which this Agreement comes into operation, shall submit acceptable documentary proof of the employee's age to the Council. |
(4) | The provisions of subclause (3) shall also apply to any employer or employee who enters the Industry after the date on which this Agreement comes into operation. |
(5) | Any person currently employed by an employer and who has attained the age of 64 years or more shall retire within one year after the date on which this Agreement comes into operation. |
(6) | Not withstanding clauses 1 to 5 here above an employee may work beyond the age of 60 with the consent of his employer but must retire at age 65 unless an exemption is granted by the Council. |