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Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)RegulationsLabour Relations regulations in terms of section 208B. Index of Forms Annexed to Regulations2. Organised according to activities and OrganisationsArbitration |
Arbitration |
Referring public service jurisdictional disputes for arbitration |
Section 38(6) |
LRA Form 3.13 |
Request for arbitration |
Sections 16, 21, 22, 24, 45, 61, 74, 86, 94, 133, 141, 191, 198, 198A -C
Employment Equity Act, 1998 Section 10
Basic Conditions of Employment Act, 1997 Section 41
Skills Development Act, 1998 Section 19 |
LRA Form 7.13 |
Notice of objection to arbitration by same Commissioner |
Section 136(3) |
LRA Form 7.14 |
Application to appoint Senior Commissioner to arbitrate |
Section 137(1) |
LRA Form 7.15 |
Request for Taxation |
Rule 39 of the CCMA Rules Section 115 read with Section 138(10) |
LRA Form 7.17 |
Application to certify CCMA Award |
Section 143 |
LRA Forms 7.18 |
Application to certify Bargaining Council Award |
Rule 39 of the CCMA Rules Section 115 read with Section 138(10) |
LRA Form 7.18A |