R 385
Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)NoticesNational Bargaining Council for the Clothing Manufacturing IndustryMain Collective AgreementPart A : Provisions for the Eastern Cape Region7. Hours of Work7.4 Short-time |
(1) | The employer shall notify and consult with the union at least five days in advance of the intention to work short-time, except where the employer shows that it was impractical to give such notice. |
(2) | Where short-time is being worked in any establishment, the work shall be distributed as evenly as possible amongst the employees in each of the sections or departments concerned. |
(3) | Where short-time is being or has been introduced in any establishment, employees who are not informed and are present for work on a particular day, shall be employed for at least half a day or be paid a day"s wage in lieu thereof. For the purposes of this subclause "day"s wage" shall mean the wage usually paid in respect of the hours constituting a fully day"s work (i.e. other than the usual short days in the establishment). |