R 385
Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)NoticesNational Bargaining Council for the Clothing Manufacturing IndustryMain Collective AgreementPart C : Provisions for the KwaZulu-Natal RegionAnnexuresAnnexure B : Productivity |
The following provisions shall be applicable to the plant level productivity incentive schemes:
(1) | Employers shall pay an amount of 0.5% of the weekly wage into a dedicated productivity incentive bank account. This must be done on a weekly basis or on the date that wages is normally paid, if it is paid at a time other than weekly. |
(2) | The money in this productivity incentive bank account is ringfenced for the introduction of plant level productivity incentive schemes only. |
(3) | This productivity incentive scheme bank account shall be opened and authorised on the basis of co-signatures, as follows: a person nominated by management plus a SACTWU shop steward (where there are no shop stewards at a workplace, a representative nominated by the workers shall be the second signatory). |
(4) | With effect from 1 September 2008, each workplace shall have a period of 2 months within which they must reach agreement between management and the union about how the productivity incentive scheme at that workplace will function and how the incentives are to be paid. |
(5) | If there is no productivity incentive scheme agreement reached by 1 November 2008, all the monies in the productivity bank account must be paid out to the workers as part of their wages, until an agreement on an appropriate productivity incentive scheme is reached. |
(6) | The productivity incentive scheme agreements reached must ensure that all workers covered by the terms of this agreement, not just some, shall benefit from the incentive scheme. |
(7) | All productivity scheme agreements reached must be registered with the National Bargaining Council for the Clothing Manufacturing Industry, within 1 month after agreement has been reached. |
(8) | Productivity incentive scheme agreements shall not contain any provisions, which have the effect of downward variation of any term or condition of employment. |
(9) | The productivity incentive scheme envisaged in this agreement shall be in addition to and not in place of any existing productivity incentive scheme, which may currently exist. |
(10) | If the workplace closes or is liquidated, all the money left in the productivity incentive bank account must be paid out to the employees at that workplace and who are covered by the terms of this agreement. |