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Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)RegulationsPicketing RegulationsDefault Picketing Rules8. Employer Conduct |
8.1 | The employer must— |
8.1.1 | appoint a person to liaise with the convenor and marshals on its behalf to ensure compliance with this agreement; and |
8.1.2 | receive communications as and when requested to do so by the union. |
8.2 | The employer or any person in authority at the workplace or acting on the employer"s behalf may not— |
8.2.1 | in any way hinder or obstruct the lawful conduct of the picket; |
8.2.2 | undermine any employee"s right to participate in the picket or discipline of threaten to discipline any employee for doing so; |
8.2.3 | engage in or permit conduct which is provocative or may incite conflict; or |
8.2.4 | carry a weapon of any kind while in contact with the pickets. |
8.3 | Ensure that any private security company employed by the employer complies with the requirements relating to such companies under the Code of Good Practice on Collective Bargaining and Industrial Action. |