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Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)Codes of Good PracticeCollective Bargaining, Industrial Action and PicketingPart C : Workplace Democracy and Dialogue14. Object |
The object of promoting workplace democracy and dialogue is to develop a culture of mutual respect and trust between those who manage the enterprise and those who work for it. Dialogue, with a view to consulting employees in the decision making process on issues other than those pertaining to collective bargaining3 should be encouraged.
3 Such as those listed in section 84(1) and 86(1) of the LRA Including the restructuring of the workplace, the introduction of new technology and new work methods, changes to the organisation of work, plant closures, mergers and transfers of ownership, retrenchments,exemptions, production development , disciplinary codes, workplace rules, changes to employer controlled social benefit schemes etc.