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Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)NoticesBargaining Council for the Civil Engineering IndustryBCCEI : Renewal of Period of Operation of the Conditions of Employment Collective AgreementChapter 3 : Regulation of Leave3.2. Sick leave |
The following definitions apply to this clause:
3.2.1. | "Employment" |
shall be deemed to include any period during which an employee is absent on leave in terms of Clause 3.1 or on the instructions or at the request of his employer or on sick leave in terms of this clause amounting in the aggregate in any period of 12 months to not more than 10 weeks, or due to the employee not being required to work because of the vagaries of the weather, slackness of trade or a breakdown of machinery or plant;
3.2.2. | "Incapacity" |
means inability to work owing to any sickness or injury other than sickness or injury caused by an employees own misconduct - Provided that any such inability to work, caused by an accident or a scheduled disease for which compensation is payable under the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act, 1993, shall only be regarded as incapacity during any period in respect of which no disablement payment is payable in terms of that Act.
3.2.3. | "Sick leave cycle" |
means the period of 36 consecutive months' employment with the same employer immediately following;
(a) | An employee's commencement of employment; or |
(b) | The completion of that employee's prior sick leave cycle. |
3.2.4. | During every sick leave cycle, an employee is entitled to an amount of paid sick leave equal to the number of days the employee would normally work during a period of six weeks. |
3.2.5. | Despite sub-clause 3.2.4, during the first six months of employment, an employee is entitled to one day's paid sick leave for every 26 days worked. |
3.2.6. | During an employee's first sick leave cycle, an employer may reduce the employee's entitlement to sick leave in terms of sub-clause 3.2.4 by the number of days sick leave taken in terms of sub-clause 3.2.5. |
3.2.7. | Subject to sub-clause 3.2.14 below, an employer must pay an employee for each day's sick leave the wage the employee would ordinarily have received for work on such days, payable on the employee's usual payday. |
3.2.8. | An agreement may reduce the pay to which an employee is entitled in respect of any day's absence in terms of this clause if— |
(a) | The number of days of paid sick leave is increased at least commensurately with any reduction in the daily amount of sick pay; and |
(b) | The employee's entitlement to pay for any day's sick leave is at least 75 percent of the wage payable to the employee for the ordinary hours the employee would have worked on that day; and; |
(c) | for sick leave over the sick leave cycle, the employee's entitlement for sick leave is at least equivalent to the employee's entitlement in terms of sub-clause 3.2.4. |
3.2.9. | If, in the first 36 months of employment, an employee is absent owing to incapacity for a period more than the sick leave accrued in terms of sub-clause 3.2 4 the employer shall not, at that stage, be required to affect any payment in respect of the excess sick leave taken. |
3.2.10. | However, if the employer has not previously done so, he or she shall at the end of the first cycle of 36 months of employment pay the employee an amount equal to not less than the difference between the sick leave payment made earlier and the employee's wages for the full period of incapacity, up to the maximum of 36 work days. Such compensation shall be affected at the employee's wage rate as at the commencement of the unpaid period of incapacity. |
3.2.11. | Provided further that where the contract of employment terminates before the end of the said first cycle the employee shall be entitled to claim payment from the employer of an amount equal to the difference between the sick leave pay already received and the wage for the full period of incapacity, but not exceeding payment at a rate of more than one work-day's wage for each completed 26 days worked, and for the purposes of this proviso the expression "wage" shall mean the wage the employee was receiving as at the commencement of incapacity; |
3.2.12. | Where an employer is by any law required to pay fees for hospital or medical treatment in respect of an employee, and pays such fees, the amount so paid may be set off against the payment due in respect of absence owing to incapacity in terms of this clause. |
3.2.13. | No unused sick leave may be accrued from one cycle to another. |
3.2.14. | An employer may, as a condition precedent to the payment of any amount claimed in terms of this clause by an employee in respect of any absence from work for more than three consecutive work-days or on the work-day immediately preceding or the work day immediately succeeding a Sunday or a paid holiday, require the employee to produce a certificate signed by a registered medical practitioner stating the nature and duration of the employee's incapacity: Provided that if an employee has, during any period of up to eight weeks, received payment in terms of this clause on two or more occasions without producing such a certificate, the employer may, during the period of eight weeks immediately succeeding the last such occasion, require the production of such certificate in respect of any absence. Furthermore, an employer may require an employee to obtain a certificate issued by a medical practitioner nominated by the employer but at the employer's expense in order to satisfy the requirements of this clause. |