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Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)


Bargaining Council for the Food Retail, Restaurant, Catering and Allied Trades

Extension to Non-parties of the Main Collective Agreement


Annexure G - Rules for Conciliation and Arbitrating Disputes in the Bargaining Council for the Food Retail, Restaurant, Catering and Allied Trades

Part E: Rules that apply to Conciliations, Arbitrations and Con-Arbs

29. What happens if a party fails to attend proceedings in interest disputes


(1) In an interest dispute, if a party to the dispute fails to attend the conciliation hearing or be represented at the hearing, and that party—
(a) has referred the dispute to the Council, a Council commissioner may extend the conciliation period for another thirty days and notify the parties of the extension in writing; or
(b) has not referred the dispute to the Council, the Council commissioner may immediately issue a certificate stating that the dispute remains unresolved.


(2) A Council commissioner must be satisfied that the party has been property notified of the date, time and venue of the proceedings, before making any decision in terms of subrule (1).