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Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)NoticesMotor Industry Bargaining Council (MIBCO)Extension to Non-Parties of the Main Collective AgreementDivision AClause 2: DefinitionsDefinitions (N - O) |
(grade 3 employee) (Chapter I) means an employee in any establishment who, in connection with the assembly of—
(a) | new motor vehicles, mainly or exclusively fits springs, bumpers, footboards, running boards, fenders, valances, exterior lamps, engine bonnets, axles, radiators, cabs, bodies, grills, seats, engine mud trays and steering box assemblies; and |
(b) | new motor cycles and/or tricycles, mainly or exclusively fits handlebars to forks, light units, clutch and throttle controls to handlebars, exhaust systems to frames and engines, saddles, footrests, kick-starters, gear and brake levers, sealed beam lights, connects electric wire by means of pushclips, fits front wheels and mudguards, but excluding the final adjustments and testing; |
(Division B) means employees for whom wages are prescribed in Division B of this Agreement;
(grade 5 employee) (Chapter I) means an employee who is employed only in workshops engaged mainly or exclusively in the installation, servicing and maintenance of air-conditioners and who installs, services and maintains air-conditioners;
"operative engine assembler"
(grade 7 employee) (Chapter IV) means an employee in a registered automotive engineering establishment, who under the supervision of a journeyman is engaged mainly or exclusively on the undermentioned activities relative to the complete assembly of internal combustion engines complete for installation:
Assembles engines;
dismantles and assembles fuel pumps;
dismantles and assembles oil pumps;
replaces bearings;
checks bearing fit, spread, crush and nip;
checks camshafts visually for wear;
in connection with connecting rods—
checks clearances with gauges;
assembles piston to conrod to crankshaft;
assembles main conrod bearings and bushes;
uses engine prelubricator;
aligns rods and pistons;
cleans and inspects pistons, including ring groove inspection;
fits rings, oil and compression, on pistons;
in connection with crankshafts—
removes conrods, pistons, crankshafts and main bearing caps;
cleans, inspects and checks:
end play;
thrust washers;
flange bearings;
timing cover and rear mail oil seal journal surface;
starter ring gears;
removes and replaces starter ring gears and/or flywheels;
removes from and replaces complete engines in motor vehicles and/or carries out repairs to engines only in motor vehicles including all final connections and/or adjustments and/or settings;
"operative exhaust fitter"
(grade 4 employee) (Chapter I) means an employee mainly or exclusively engaged in—
removing all corroded or faulty exhaust parts by undoing exhaust pipe flanges securing bolts;
cutting tubing with a chain cutter or gas flame and welding brackets by gas and arc welding;
bending pipes by using the old part as a sample;
positioning new parts, sealing joints with exhaust sealer, then clamping tight;
retightening pipe flange securing bolts and tightening all hanger brackets;
[Note - An operative exhaust fitter may be employed only in workshops engaged mainly or exclusively in the removing and replacing of exhaust lines.];
"operative gearbox dismantler"
(grade 3 employee) (Chapter I) means an employee who in any gearbox reconditioning establishment is engaged mainly or exclusively in dismantling motor vehicle gearboxes and/or transmissions and who in addition paints such units with protective paint by brush or spray gun;
[Note - An operative gearbox dismantler may not remove and/or replace complete gearboxes and/or transmissions from motor vehicles.];
(grade 3 employee) (Chapter III) means an employee who is mainly or exclusively engaged on any of the following duties:
Annealing and tempering where controlled ovens and tanks are used;
assembling and fitting centre bolts and clips to springs;
assembling where no fitting is required;
baking armatures and field coils in oven;
baring wires and dipping in solder;
bending and/or forming by hand operation in special-purpose jigs or formers;
bonding brake shoes and clutch plates;
checking parts with go-no-go gauges and/or testing devices and/or plug gauges;
cutting and/or punching of materials by hand or machine to stops or to jigs
or to patterns or to templets or to markings or to lengths;
dipping in varnish, enamels or paints;
dispensing wire from bulk supplies onto small coils for sale;
drilling holes or drilling with special-purpose drilling jigs, excluding setting or marking;
dressing or grinding by hand or power tool: Provided that in all cases of precision dressing the machines concerned shall be preset by a journeyman or apprentice or machine setter;
feeding of asbestos teasing machine;
feeding and/or loading and/or starting and/or unloading and/or operating automatic machines;
fitting of seat covers in manufacture of seats;
fitting of hessian strips to spring seat assemblies;
filing of metals, other than precision work;
fly and/or treadle and/or manual and/or power pressing and/or notching where the work is done with pre-set jigs or dies, excluding the setting of jigs or dies;
forming of insulation and fitting thereof to armatures and field coils;
heating and blackening moulds for battery jumpers;
heating lead;
inspecting visually;
marking off from patterns or templates by hand;
operating special-purpose splitting machines;
operating centreless grinders;
packing component parts into sets under supervision of an operative supervisor;
preparation for buffing;
pressing of asbestos dough (hot or cold);
pre-treatment of materials by chemical process;
proof-testing bonded brake shoes and clutch plates;
rough grinding where the machine or work is held by hand;
screwing by hand with the die heads and/or taps and/or screwing
spot and/or tack welding;
straightening and/or flattening of metal strips;
striking metal, including rivet striking; rivet heating; riveting;
stringing and/or threading inner coils and/or spring mats;
stripping parts and components by hand or machines normally used by this class of operative;
stripping of dismantled springs;
application by spraygun or brush of paint, adhesives or recognised bitumastic and fire-resisting or rust-preventing substances (coatings), other than metal spraying, to parts or components;
taping coils;
testing fuel tanks and radiator units;
threading gills to tubes;
threading of bolts;
turning eyes on spring main blades to jigs;
winding or dispensing wire by hand or machine from bulk supplies onto spools, reels, coils, etc, but excluding field coils;
wiring up articles for electroplating;
and who may, provided he is paid the prescribed setting bonus, set and adjust the machines he operates;
(grade 4 employee) (Chapter III) means an employee mainly or exclusively engaged on—
soldering, tinning, sweating, continuous wire welding, welding of a repetitive nature, spot and/or tack and/or butt welding, including the removal and replacement of welding tips and the cleaning of welding tips with abrasive materials or by hand filing;
sharpening but not re-shaping welding tips;
placing welding tips in position;
metal spinning with formers;
operating but not setting machines designed or permanently adapted for a single-tool operation where manual operations are limited to loading, starting, stopping and unloading;
placing of winding coils into armature slots and closing slots with wedges;
undercutting of commutators;
shaping of coils;
forming of wire into coils by hand or machine;
connecting previously tested and marked leads to commutators;
buffing of metals;
attending to electroplating bath, stripping and/or pickling tank;
making filler necks for tanks by means of jigs;
pressing core section into frames by means of clamps;
cutting fibreglass parts to patterns or templets;
making parts from pre-mixed plastic materials and fibreglass in preformed moulds;
and who may, provided he is paid the prescribed setting bonus, set and adjust the machines he operates;
"operative, grade 3"
(grade 4 employee) (Chapter III) means an employee mainly or exclusively engaged in—
the repetitive operation of or attending to, but not setting, semi-automatic machines where the work cycle is power-driven and the end point is controlled by automatic operating stops and/or marks,
including capstan and turret type lathes where all operations are limited by fixed stops; and who may, provided he is paid the prescribed setting bonus, set and adjust the machines he operates;
"operative, grade 4"
(grade 5 employee) (Chapter III) means an employee mainly or exclusively engaged on—
welding with electric welding equipment and/or cutting with profile cutting machine, and setting and regulating of the heating and cutting gas mixtures of the welding or cutting equipment at the torch;
welding and/or brazing to jigs and/or to parts so formed and/or located as to obviate the need for a jig: Provided that any free-hand arc or gas welding performed by this operative, Grade 4, must be restricted to welds which are—
(a) | down-hand; |
(b) | of components of which the completed mass does not exceed 15,0 kg; |
(c) | in runs of not less than 50 identical items in the same place, with each item taking not more than 10 minutes floor to floor time; and |
(d) | not in excess of 40,0 cm total length of one welding seam; |
[Note - This employee may use tapes, rules and squares in the course of his duties and may, provided he is paid the prescribed setting bonus, set and adjust any machines he operates];
(grade 5 employee) (Chapter III) means an employee mainly or exclusively engaged in—
mixing fibreglass solutions and/or resins, and/or mixing in relation to solutions and/or resins;
determining quantities from formula charts provided for the purpose; and also
measuring these quantities by means of graduated vessels;
"operative, grade A"
(grade 6 employee) (Chapter IV) means an employee employed in a registered automotive engineering establishment and who is engaged mainly or exclusively in the operation of any two single-purpose machines;
(grade 4 employee) (Chapter V) means an employee mainly or exclusively engaged on the following duties:
Application by spray gun or brush or paint, adhesives, recognised bitumastic and fire-resisting or rust-preventing substances (coatings) to components and units other than metal spraying to parts and components;
assembling where no fitting is required;
bending and/or forming by hand operation in special-purpose jigs or formers;
bonding of steel inserts to hydraulic cylinders;
bonding brake shoes, bands and clutch plates;
buffing metals;
checking parts with go-no-go gauges and/or testing devices and/or plug gauges;
cutting friction material to standard templates;
cutting and grinding of clutch liners to pre-determined size or templates;
dipping in varnish, enamels or paint;
dismantling of brake (including air and hydraulic brakes) and/or clutch components for reconditioning;
dressing or grinding by hand or power tool: Provided that in all cases of precision dressing the machine concerned shall be pre-set by a journeyman or machine-setter;
drilling and countersinking of liners;
drilling holes previously marked out by a journeyman or machine setter or an apprentice or a trainee registered in terms of the Skills Development Act, or machine drilling with special purpose drilling jigs;
drilling with portable drill not capable of taking drills larger than 13 mm in diameter to templates or patterns;
feeding and/or loading and/or starting and/or unloading and/or operating automatic machines;
filing of metals other than precision work;
fly and/or treadle and/or manual and/or power pressing and/or notching where the work is done with pre-set jigs or dies, excluding the setting of jigs and/or dies;
grinding pressure plates with appropriate surface grinding machine;
heating lead;
inspecting visually;
making up brake pipes by bending and/or forming by hand operation or in special-purpose jig;
marking off from patterns or templates by hand;
mounting of components into test jigs and observing the testing of components;
operating centreless grinders;
operating but not setting machines designed or permanently adapted for a single-tool operation and where manual operations are limited to loading, starting, stopping and unloading, but excluding any operations connected with the machining of brake drums, brake discs or flywheels;
operating power press/presses, excluding setting;
packing of component parts into sets under supervision of an operative supervisor;
placing of welding tips in position;
preparation for buffing;
pre-treatment of metals by chemical process;
proof-testing components;
rough grinding where the machine or work is held by hand;
screwing by hand with die-heads and/or taps and/or screwing machines;
sharpening but not replacing welding tips;
soldering, tinning, sweating, continuous wire welding, spot and/or tack and/or butt welding, including the removing and replacing of welding tips and the cleaning of welding tips with abrasive materials or by hand filing;
straightening and/or flattening of metal strips;
striking metal, including rivet striking; rivet heating;
stripping parts and components by hand or machines normally used by this class of operative;
threading of bolts;
and who may set and adjust the machines he operates, provided he is paid the prescribed setting bonus;
"operative, grade B"
(grade 4 employee) (Chapter IV) means an employee employed in a registered automotive engineering establishment and who mainly or exclusively performs all work relating to the operating of any two machines, excluding a crankshaft grinder, a re-borer/honer, a line borer or a diesel pump test bench and the assembling of engines;
"operative, grade BR"
(grade 4 employee) (Chapter V) means an employee mainly or exclusively engaged in the repetitive operation of or attending to, but not setting, semi-automatic machines where the work cycle is power-driven and the end point is controlled by automatic operating stops, including capstan and turret type lathes where all operations are limited to fixed stops:
Provided that this operative may not perform any operation related to the machining of brake drums, brake discs or flywheels but may set and adjust the machines he operates, provided he is paid the prescribed setting bonus;
"operative, grade BV"
(grade 5 employee) (Chapter II) means an employee engaged mainly or exclusively on a repetitive basis in welding or brazing plates, sheets and sections to jigs, and/or welding or brazing parts so formed and/or located as to obviate the need for a jig, and/or cutting with a profile cutting machine;
"operative, grade C"
(grade 3 employee) (Chapter IV, Clause 3 (4)) means an employee who is employed in any registered automotive engineering establishment and is engaged mainly or exclusively on—
dismantling internal combustion engines;
removing and fitting finished cylinder liners (wet/dry);
all cylinder head work, excluding surface grinding and manufacturing of inserts;
polishing crankshafts;
crack and porosity detecting;
[Note - The number of operatives grade A, B or C that may be employed in any one establishment is governed by the ratio provisions of clause 3 of Chapter IV of Division C].
"operative, grade CR"
(grade 5 employee) (Chapter V) means an employee mainly or exclusively engaged on—
welding with electric welding equipment and/or cutting with profile cutting machine and setting and regulating the heating and cutting gas mixtures of the welding or cutting equipment at the torch;
welding and/or brazing to jigs and/or parts so formed as to obviate the need for a jig: Provided that any freehand arc or gas welding performed by this operative must be restricted to welds which are—
(a) | downhand; |
(b) | of components of which the completed mass does not exceed 15,0 kg; |
(c) | not in excess of 40,0 cm total length of one welding seam; |
and who may set and adjust any machine he operates, provided he is paid the prescribed setting bonus;
"operative, grade CV"
(grade 5 employee) (Chapter II) means an employee mainly or exclusively engaged under the supervision of a journeyman or apprentice with not more than four years to serve on:
assembling by drilling of relevant materials where necessary, by bolting and/or riveting and/or screwing and/or tack-welding parts together;
positioning of lamps, including lengthening or shortening flex as necessary from a temporary position or a position rendered unsuitable through the fitting of a body;
from cabless commercial vehicles chassis received for bodying, removing for safe-keeping instrument panels, including electrical connections, switchboards, surge tanks and pipes, heat and oil gauges and temporary drive seats, and disconnecting all electrical wiring on such chassis from starter motors, generators, regulators and auxiliary circuits;
installing and fastening cables to new motor chassis, to new trailer chassis or to new trailer caravans by means of clips or bolts;
connecting cables to light points or fittings already in position;
sewing or tacking seat and squab covers by hand or machine;
padding and closing flutes and bolsters by hand;
machining timber to pre-set lengths or thicknesses;
machining timber components on wood-working machines to jigs or stops;
cutting materials to pre-set dimensions;
marking off and cutting, bending, forming and/or blanking all material from patterns or templets by hand or pre-set machine under the supervision of a journeyman or apprentice including, where necessary, the fastening of special-purpose clamps on the machines concerned;
in relation to the mixing of fibreglass solutions and/or resins, determining from formula charts provided for the purpose the quantities of constituent materials required, measuring these materials by means of graduated vessels or mixing;
using simple linear measuring devices and/or combination squares;
operating a fibreglass chopper gun;
and who may, provided he is paid the prescribed setting bonus, set and adjust the machines he operates;
(grade 5 employee) (Chapter II) means an employee mainly or exclusively engaged in:
Applying by brush and/or spray gun any primer or paint to the interior or exterior of motor vehicles, other than the final exterior coats to coach finished bodies, excluding colour matching but including paint mixing in accordance with prescribed formula;
and mixing and/or testing of chemicals to a pre-determined formula for pre-treatment of metals in chemical baths;
and who may, provided he is paid the prescribed setting bonus, set and adjust any machines he operates.
"operative radio/alarm fitter"
(grade 5 employee) (Chapter I) means an employee who is employed only in workshops engaged mainly or exclusively in the installation, servicing, repairing and maintenance of radios and/or alarms, who installs, services, repairs and maintains radios and/or alarms and/or immobilisers and/or cruise controls;
"operative sunroof fitter"
(grade 4 employee) means an employee mainly or exclusively engaged in the fitting of sunroofs to motor vehicles;
(grade 5 employee) (Chapter III & V) means an employee mainly or exclusively engaged in supervising the work of any operative classes of workers and general workers;
"operative upholsterer"
(grade 4 employee) (Chapter I; II & III) means an employee mainly or exclusively engaged in—
stripping and fitting vinyl tops to motor vehicles;
sewing or tacking seat and/or squab covers, padding and/or lining by hand and/or machine;
stripping and/or repairing of seats, mats, hood-linings and/or upholstery of motor vehicles;
(grade 4 employee) (Chapter I) means an employee who is permitted to balance wheels by using any machine designed to balance wheels on or off a motor vehicle;