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Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)NoticesBargaining Council for the Metal and Engineering IndustriesExtension of the Consolidated Main Collective Agreement to Non-parties (for the period 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2024)Part I19. Employment of Juveniles and Issue of Certificates, etc |
(1) | No employer shall employ a juvenile under clause (a)(ii) of Schedule G of Part II of this Agreement without obtaining the prior approval of the Council and a certificate from the Council in such form as it may determine. |
(2) | Any permission given in terms of subclause (1) may be withdrawn by the Council for any good and sufficient reason it deems fit, and on receipt of notification from the Council the employer shall forthwith dispense with the services of the juvenile to whom the notification refers or, as the case may be, retain the juvenile’s service at the full rate prescribed for the class of work performed. |
(3) | When permission is withdrawn in terms of subclause (2), the employer shall forthwith return the certificate to the Council for cancellation. |
(4) | No employer shall, as from the date of coming into operation of this agreement, employ any person on work classified at Rate A, or Category 5 in Schedule G or under Group Z in Schedule F of this agreement, other than an apprentice, trainee or a learner in terms of the Skills Development Act, No.97 of 1998, or an employee who has completed an apprenticeship contract in terms of the Manpower Training Act, 1981, or an employee in possession of a certificate issued or recognised by the Council which enables such an employee to be employed as a journeyman on any of the classes of work specified at rate A, Category 5 in Schedule G or under Group Z in Schedule F of Part II of this agreement. |