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Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)NoticesBargaining Council for the Metal and Engineering IndustriesExtension of the Consolidated Main Collective Agreement to Non-parties (for the period 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2024)Part I3. Definitions |
Any reference in this Agreement to the Republic of South Africa and/or the Provinces of the Cape of Good Hope, the Transvaal, Natal and the Orange Free State shall be deemed to be the Magisterial Districts of those areas and/or provinces as they existed immediately prior to the coming into operation of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1993 (Act 200 of 1993). Any expressions used in this Agreement which are defined in the Labour Relations Act, 1995, shall have the same meaning as in that Act, and any reference to an Act shall include any amendments to such Act; further, unless inconsistent with the context—
means work in connection with diesel engines from the cross-head down, used marine boilers, furnaces, combustion chambers, smokeboxes, in bilges and in fuel tanks, performed on board ship;
means the Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act 66 of 1995);
means the whole of the Council's 2017 to 2020 Consolidated Main Agreement, comprising the main part with all of its Annexures, each of which is an integral part of the whole agreement;
means an employee serving under a written contract of apprenticeship registered or deemed to have been registered with the employer under the Skills Development Act, No. 97 of 1998 and includes a minor employed on probation in terms of the Skills Development Act;
means any period during which an employee has been continuously employed by the same employer and, for this purpose, periods of employment with the same employer broken by not more than 12 months from date of termination of employment to re-engagement of the employee owing to the discharge or retrenchment of the employee by the employer shall be deemed to be continuous employment, but shall not apply for the purposes of calculating severance pay entitlement.
means the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration established in terms of Section 112 of the Act;
means the Metal and Engineering Industries Bargaining Council registered in terms of clause 29 of the Act;
means, subject to the definition herein covering "two-shift system" and "three-shift system", any period worked by an employee between the hours of 06:00 and 18:00 on Mondays to Fridays, inclusive, and any period worked between the hours of 06:00 and 12:00 on Saturdays.
means an employee whose minimum rate of pay is scheduled in this Agreement or an employee employed under exemption from this Agreement or under conditions determined by the Council, or an apprentice;
means any person whosoever, including a temporary employment service as defined in clause 198(1) of the Act, who employs or provides work for any person and remunerates or expressly or tacitly undertakes to remunerate him or who permits any person whosoever in any manner to assist him in the carrying on or conducting of his business;
"employ of the same employer" and "employment with the same employer"
shall, for the purposes of clause 12(3)(a) and clause 13(1) of Part 1 of this Agreement, include unbroken employment in the same business carrying out activities which fall within the industry, whether or not the ownership of that business has altered as a result of sale, change of control, amalgamation, reconstruction, liquidation, compromise with creditors or otherwise;
means any premises wherein or whereon the industry, or part thereof, as herein defined, is carried on;
means the rate per hour for the class of work scheduled in this Agreement or, the actual rate per hour the employee is receiving whichever is the greater: Provided that where a "rate per week" is specified, the hourly rate of the employee shall be his rate per week for his class of work scheduled in this Agreement or the actual weekly rate of the employee, whichever is the greater, divided by the number of ordinary hours worked in the establishment concerned;
means (subject to the provisions of any demarcation determination made in terms of section 62 of the Labour Relations Act, No 66 of 1995 and section 76 of the Labour Relations Act, 1956) the industry concerned with the production of iron and/or steel and/or alloys and/or the processing and/or recovery and/or refining of metals (other than precious metals) and/or alloys. from dross and/or scrap and/or residues; the maintenance, fabrication, erection or assembly, construction, alteration, replacement or repair of any machine, vehicle (other than a motor vehicle) or article consisting mainly of metal (other than a precious metal) or parts or components thereof, and structural metalwork, including steel reinforcement work; the manufacture of metal goods principally from such iron and/or steel and/or other metals (other than precious metals) and/or alloys, and/or the finishing of metal goods; the building and/or alteration and/or repair of boats and/or ships, including the scraping, chipping and/or scaling and/or painting of the hulls of boats and/or ships; and general woodwork undertaken in connection with ship repairs, and includes the Electrical Engineering Industry, the Lift and Escalator Industry and the Plastics Industry, but does not include the Motor Industry.
For the purposes of this definition—
(a) | "Electrical Engineering Industry" |
means the industry concerned with—
(i) | the manufacture and/or assembly from component parts of electrical equipment namely generators, motors, convertors, switch and control gear (including relays, contactors, electrical instruments and equipment associated therewith), electrical lighting, heating, cooking, refrigeration and cooling equipment, transformers, furnace equipment, signalling equipment, radio or electronic equipment and other equipment utilising the principles used in the operation of radio and electronic equipment, incandescent lamps, electric cables and domestic electrical appliances, and includes the manufacture of component parts of the aforementioned equipment; |
(ii) | the installation, maintenance and repair of the equipment referred to in paragraph (i) above, but does not include the Electrical Industry; |
(b) | "Electrical Contracting Industry" |
means the industry in which employers and the employees are associated for any or all of the following:
(i) | The design, preparation, erection, installation, repair and maintenance of all electrical equipment forming an integral and permanent part of buildings or structures, including any wiring, cable jointing and laying and electrical overhead line construction, and all other operations incidental thereto, whether the work is performed or the material is prepared on the site of the buildings or structures or elsewhere; |
(ii) | the design, preparation, erection, installation, repair and maintenance of all electrical equipment incidental to the purpose for which a building or structure is used, including any wiring, cable jointing and laying and electrical overhead line construction, and all other operations incidental thereto, whether the work is performed or the material is prepared on the site of the buildings or structures or elsewhere; |
(iii) | the design, preparation, erection, installation, repair and maintenance of all electrical equipment incidental to the construction, alteration, repair and maintenance of buildings or structures, including any wiring, cable jointing and laying and electrical overhead line construction, and all other operations incidental thereto, whether the work is performed or the material is prepared on the site of the buildings or structures or elsewhere”; |
(2) | "Lift and Escalator Industry" |
means the industry concerned with the manufacture and/or assembly and/or installation and/or repair of electrical lifts and escalators;
(3) | "Plastics Industry" |
means the industry concerned with the conversion of thermoplastic and/or thermosetting polymers, including the compounding or recycling thereof, or the manufacture of articles or parts of articles wholly or mainly made of such polymers into rigid, semi-rigid or flexible form, whether blown, moulded, extruded, cast, injected, formed, calendared, coated, compression moulded or rotation moulded, including in-house printing on such plastics by the manufacturers, and all operations incidental to these activities.
"plastics "
means any one of the group of materials which consist of or contains as an essential ingredient an organic substance of a large molecular mass and which, while solid in the finished state, at some stage in its manufacture has been or can be forced, i.e. cast, calendared, extruded or moulded into various shape by flow, usually through the application, singly or together, of heat and pressure including the recycling or compounding thereof, but only where such compounding and/or recycling is as a result of the conversion for manufacture by the same employer, but shall exclude all extrusions into mono- and multi-filament fibres and other activities falling under the scope of the National Textile Bargaining Council.
(4) | "Motor Industry" |
means (subject to the provisions of any demarcation determination made in terms of clause 76 of the Labour Relations Act, 1956 and/or section 62 of the Labour Relations Act 66/1995) the industry concerned with—
(a) | assembling, erecting, testing, remanufacturing, repairing, adjusting, overhauling, wiring, upholstering, spraying, painting and/or reconditioning carried on in connection with— |
(i) | chassis and/or bodies of motor vehicles; |
(ii) | internal combustion engines and transmission components of motor vehicles; |
(iii) | electrical equipment connected with motor vehicles, including radios; |
(b) | automotive engineering; |
(c) | repairing, vulcanising and/or retreading tyres; |
(d) | repairing, servicing and/or reconditioning batteries for motor vehicles; |
(e) | the business of parking and/or storing motor vehicles; |
(f) | the business conducted by filling and/or servicing stations; |
(g) | the business carried on mainly or exclusively for the sale of motor vehicles or motor vehicle parts and/or spares and/or accessories (whether new or used) pertaining thereto, whether or not such sale is conducted from premises which are attached to a part of an establishment in which the assembly or repair motor vehicles is carried out; |
(h) | the business of motor graveyards; |
(i) | the business of assembly establishments; |
(j) | the business of manufacturing establishments where motor vehicle parts and/or spares and/or accessories and/or components thereof are fabricated, |
(k) | vehicle body building. |
For the purposes of this definition—
(i) | "automotive engineering" |
means the reconditioning of internal combustion engines or parts thereof for use in motor vehicles in establishments mainly or exclusively so engaged, whether such establishment is engaged in the dismantling and repair of motor vehicles or not;
(ii) | "motor vehicle" |
means any wheeled conveyance propelled by mechanical power (other than steam) or electrically, and designed for haulage and/or for the transportation of persons and/or goods and/or loads, and includes trailers and caravans, but does not include any equipment designed to run on fixed tracks, trailers designed to transport loads of 27 273 kilograms or over, or aircraft; and
(iii) | "vehicle body building" |
means any or all of the following activities carried on in a vehicle body building establishment:
(aa) | the construction, repair or renovation of cabs and/or bodies and/or any superstructure for any type of vehicle; |
(ab) | the manufacture or repair of component parts for cabs and/or bodies and/or any superstructure, and the assembling, adjusting and installation of parts in cabs or bodies or on the superstructure of vehicles; |
(ac) | fixing cabs and/or bodies and/or any superstructure to the chassis of any type of vehicle; |
(ad) | coating and/or decorating cabs and/or bodies and/or any superstructure with any preservative or decorative substance; |
(ae) | equipping, furnishing and finishing off the interior of cabs and/or bodies and/or superstructures; |
(af) | the building of trailers, excluding the manufacture of wheels or axles therefor; and |
(ag) | all operations incidental to or consequent upon the activities referred to in paragraphs (aa) to (af) included; |
and for the purposes of this definition, "vehicle" does not include an aircraft, and "Motor Industry" as defined above does not include the following:
(i) | The manufacture of motor vehicle parts and/or accessories and/or spares and/or components in establishments laid out for and normally producing metal and/or plastic goods of a different character on a substantial scale; |
(ii) | the assembling, erecting, testing, repairing, adjusting, overhauling, wiring, spraying, painting and/or reconditioning of agricultural tractors, except where carried on in establishments rendering similar service in respect of motorcars, motor lorries, or motor trucks; |
(iii) | the manufacture and/or maintenance and/or repair of— |
(aa) | civil and mechanical engineering equipment and/or parts thereof, whether or not mounted on wheels; |
(ab) | agricultural equipment or parts thereof; or |
(ac) | equipment designed for use in factories and/or workshops: Provided that for the purposes of (aa), (ab) and (ac) above, "equipment" shall not be taken to mean motorcars, motor lorries and/or motor trucks; |
(ad) | motor vehicle or other vehicle bodies and/or superstructures and/or parts or components thereof made of steel plate of 3,175 mm thickness or thicker, when carried on in establishments laid out for and normally engaged in the manufacture and/or maintenance and/or repair of civil and/or mechanical engineering equipment on a substantial scale; |
"jig" or "fixture" or "stop"
means a device which definitely locates the work with respect to a tool and/or a tool to the work and/or the relative position of parts while being joined together, so as to produce articles that are interchangeable within certain tolerances;
means an employee who has completed a contract of apprenticeship under the Manpower Training Act, 1981, or a contract of apprenticeship recognised by the Council in any one of the classes of work specified under Rate A or category 5 in Schedule G or under Group Z in Schedule F of Part II of this Agreement, or an employee who is over 21 years of age and in possession of a certificate recognised or issued by the Council enabling him to be employed as a journeyman;
means an employee between the age of 16 and 19 years employed on any of the classes of work specified in clause (a)(ii) of Schedule G of Part II of this Agreement;
includes common law;
means the period in which a graduated wage scale is provided for specific tasks performed over a period of time, and employees employed on operations that provide for learnership periods shall receive the graduated wage rate as specified in the operation(s) according to the period of time spent on the operation(s);
means the trade in which employers and employees are associated for the opening and closing of locks for others by means other than with keys normally used, the repair, replacement, re-building or adjustment of locks and their mechanical parts, the manufacture, by non-repetitive methods, of parts designed for use in locks and the cutting of keys, but excluding the manufacture of locks and keys;
means any appliance, irrespective of the material of which it is made, but does not include an agricultural tractor;
does not include agricultural tractors;
means not covered elsewhere
means not elsewhere specified;
means, subject to the definition herein covering "two-shift system" and "three-shift system", any period worked by an employee between the hours of 18:00 and 06:00, from starting time on Monday until starting time on Saturday, except in marine work where any three or more nights worked consecutively may constitute night-shift work; (Substituted by Government Notice R941 of 6-8-99)
means the hourly rate for ordinary time;
means the precious metals gold, silver, platinum and/or palladium, and/or any alloy containing the said precious metals or any of these in such proportion with any other metals as to be the greater part in value of such alloy;
means New Year"s Day, Human Rights Day, Good Friday, Family Day, Freedom Day, Workers" Day, Youth Day, National Women"s Day, Heritage Day, Day of Reconciliation, Christmas Day and Day of Goodwill, as specified in Schedule 1 of the Public Holidays Act, 1994 (Act 36 of 1994): Provided that whenever any public holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday shall be a public holiday;
"pupil engineer" and/or "approved student"
means a person who is in possession of educational qualifications recognised by the Council and obtained through an educational institution likewise recognised by the Council, but shall not include a person undergoing prescribed vocational training in the course of his studies;
Note: The magisterial districts demarcation of Regions is only for purposes of determination of the borders of Regional Councils.
REGION A means the Western Cape Province and the Northern Cape Province but excluding the following magisterial districts in the Western Cape: Calitzdorp, Murraysburg, Oudtshoorn, and Uniondale and excluding the following magisterial districts in the Northern Cape: Barkly West, De Aar, Gordonia, Hartswater, Herbert, Hopetown, Kimberley, Kuruman, Postmasburg and Warrenton, and for the purposes of these particular areas the address of the Regional Council shall be: Metal and Engineering Industries Bargaining Council (Cape Region), P O Box 6096, Roggebaai, 8012, or 1st Floor, Harbour Place, 7 Martin, Hammerschlag Way, Foreshore, Cape Town, 8001;
REGION B means the following magisterial districts in the Eastern Cape Province: Albert, Aliwal North, Barkly East, Bizana, Butterworth, Cala, Cathcart, Cofimvaba East London, Elliot, Engcobo, Flagstaff, Hoffmeyer, Idutywa, Indwe, Keiskammahoek, Kentani, King William"s Town, Kwabhaca, Komga, Lady Grey, Libode, Lusikisiki, Maclear, Matatiele, Mdantsane, Middelsdrift, Mount Ayliff, Mount Fletcher, Mqanduli, Ngqeleni, Nqamakwe, Queenstown, Qumbu, Seymour (Mpofu), Sterkstroom, Stutterheim, Tsolo, Tsomo, Umtata, Umzimkulu, Whittlesea, Willowvale, Wodehouse, Victoria East and Zwelitsha and for the purposes of these particular areas, the address of the Regional Council shall be: Metal and Engineering Industries Bargaining Council (Border Region), PO Box 13162, Vincent, 5217, or Malcomess Park, Office No 7, St Georges Road, Southernwood, 5201.
REGION C means the Province of KawZulu Natal and for the purposes of this particular area the address of the Regional Council shall be: Metal and Engineering Industries Bargaining Council (KwaZulu Natal Region), P O Box 5900, Durban, 4000, or 14th Floor, Mercury House, 320 Smith Street, Durban, 4001.
REGION D means the following magisterial districts in the Eastern Cape Province: Aberdeen, Adelaide, Albany, Alexandra, Bathurst, Bedford, Cradock, Fort Beaufort, Graaff-Reinet, Hankey, Humansdorp, Jansenville, Joubertina, Kirkwood, Middleburg, Pearston, Port Elizabeth, Somerset East, Steytlerville, Steynsburg, Uitenhage, Venterstad and Willowmore and the following magisterial districts in the Western Cape Province: Calitzdorp, Murraysburg, Oudtshoorn, Uniondale, and the following magisterial districts in the Northern Cape Province: Colesburg, Hanover, Noupoort and Richmond and for the purposes of these particular areas the address of the Regional Council shall be: Metal and Engineering Industries Bargaining Council (Midland Region), PO Box 12848, Centrahill, 6006, or 6th Floor, Old Mutual Building, 64 Govan Mbeki Avenue, Port Elizabeth, 6001.
REGION E means all the magisterial districts in the Gauteng Province, Mpumalanga Province, Northern Province (Limpopo) and North West Province, but excludes the following magisterial districts in the North West Province: Bloemhof, Christiana, Coligny, Delareyville, Klerksdorp, Lichtenburg, Potchefstroom, Schweizer-Reneke,Ventersdorp, Vryburg and Wolmaransstad, and for the purposes of these particular areas the address of the Regional Council shall be: Metal and Engineering Industries Bargaining Council (Gauteng Region), PO Box 3998, Johannesburg, 2000 or Union Corporation Building, 1st Floor, 77 Marshall Street, Johannesburg, 2001.”
REGION F means all the magisterial districts in the Free State and includes the following magisterial districts in the North West Province: Bloemhof, Christiana, Coligny, Delareyville, Klerksdorp, Lichtenburg, Potchefstroom, Schweizer-Reneke, Ventersdorp, Vryburg and Wolmaransstad, and includes the following magisterial districts in the Northern Cape Province: Barkly West, De Aar, Gordonia, Hartswater, Herbert, Hopetown, Kimberley, Kuruman, Postmasburg, and Warrenton, and for the purposes of these particular areas the address of the Regional Council shall be: Metal and Engineering Industries Bargaining Council (Free State and Northern Cape Region), PO Box 30095, Moreskof, 9462, or Wessels & Smith Building, 2nd Floor, 26 – 28 Heeren Street, Welkom, 9459.
means work performed by an employee constantly engaged on one or more repetitive processes;
means a device for indicating the position of holes and/or attachments on the work and/or the form and/or contour of work;
means any person who, for reward, procures for or provides to a client other persons—
(a) | who render services to, or perform work for, the client; and |
(b) | who are remunerated by the temporary employment service; |
means an employee under training in terms of the Skills Development Act on work classified at Rate A or Category 5 in Schedule G or under Group Z in Schedule F of Part ll in this Agreement or an employee under training in terms of the provisions of a contract issued or recognised by the Council;
"two-shift" and/or "three-shift system"
means the methods of operation in establishments working two or three shifts in any period of 24 hours for not less than three months in a single period;
"Venetian Blind" and "Allied Products Manufacturing Industry"
means the industry in which employers and the employees are associated for the carrying on of any one or more of the following activities in the Province of the Transvaal:
The design and/or assembly and/or manufacture of—
(a) | venetian blinds, whether manufactured of wood, metal, bamboo, cloth or synthetic materials; and/or |
(b) | any other type of blind manufactured of such materials; and/or |
(c) | any other article or articles providing or used for sun control, other than articles manufactured wholly or mainly from plastics: Provided that the first-mentioned articles are intended for use in the interior of buildings; and/or |
(d) | folding doors containing wood, cloth, leather, leather-cloth or any synthetic material with a wooden, synthetic wood or metal framework, but excluding canvas awnings, canvas sunblinds and Holland blinds; |
and for the purposes of this definition—
(i) | "canvas" means a woven material made from cotton, flax, jute, hemp or similar decorticated vegetable |
(ii) | or acrylic fibres or mixtures thereof; |
(ii) | "watchman"s work" means guarding and/or patrolling property and/or premises; |
(iii) | "welding electrodes" means any flux-coated or cored filler metal made from ferrous or non-ferrous material in stick or continuous form used in electric arc welding. |