R 385
Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)NoticesNational Bargaining Council for the Electrical Industry of South AfricaExtension of Consolidated Main Collective Agreement to Non-PartiesPart ll: Allowances, Wages, Bonuses1. Allowances |
(1) | Travelling and subsistence allowances |
(a) | Whenever a job or working site is situated outside a radius of 15km of the employer's registered place of business and in instances where the employee is required to report before preceding to the working site, / or to return after the shift, and the employee can reasonably be said to be able to and does return to his home every day, the employer shall provide suitable transport both ways. |
Any time occupied by an employee making use of the employer's transport in proceeding to or from the working site which is situated outside a radius of 15km of the employer's registered place of business, as a result of being expected to first report to the office, shall be one way in his own time and the other way during the normal working hours prescribed in clause 6, of Part l of The Former Agreement: Provided that time spent in travelling between jobs during that day shall be in the employer's time.
However, if the employee is required to make use of his own vehicle to travel to the site as a result of being expected to first report to the office, the employer shall pay him a transport allowance equal to R3.86 per kilometre calculated by the distance from the office to the working site and back to the office, where applicable.
In the event that the employee has to find his own way to the working site by making use of public transport, as a result of being expected to first report to the office, and providing public transport exists, he must be paid at least 50% of his normal hourly wage or part thereof, for time travelled to and from the working site and back to the office, when applicable.
Payment to an employee is expected to report to the office at a specific time before preceding to the site, shall be from this time until he ceases work at the end of the shift.
Any employee who, from time to time, is required to perform work in a higher category of employment, shall be remunerated at the minimum rate of pay for such higher category of employment, for the full duration that the employee may be required to perform such work. The only exception shall be the applicable provisions as set out in terms of Clause 33(4) of The Former Agreement agreement.
Payment for time spent travelling to and from the work site to and from the employer's place of business, for any distance under 15km, shall be paid for by the employer.
(b) | Any employee entitled to a transport allowance as provided for in sub-clause 9a) above shall be paid such allowance at the same time as he is paid his normal remuneration. |
(c) |
(i) | Where the employee can reasonably be said to be unable to return to his home daily, the employer shall pay for all travel related costs, inclusive of meals, where applicable. |
Any time occupied in travelling during the ordinary working hours shall be paid at the applicable hourly rate of wages of the employee.
Where an employee, by reason of employment, is away from his usual working place and is required by his employer to live away from his usual domicile, meals and lodging shall be paid for or provided on the job by the employer. Where no hotel or other suitable accommodation is available within a reasonable distance of the working place and accommodation is supplied on site, the employee shall be paid a subsistence allowance of R154.80 per night for meals.
(ii) | Accommodation supplied on site shall include running cold water, hot water, toilet facilities, a bed, a mattress and suitable structure (i.e. minimum of a tent) to sleep in, which meets reasonable hygiene and security standards. |
(iii) | Where meals are supplied by the employer on site, he shall not be required to pay a subsistence allowance, but the standard of the meals provided shall be commensurate with the subsistence allowance that would have been paid in terms of this sub-clause. |
(2) | Stand-by allowance: every employer shall pay every employee who is required to do stand-by duties a minimum of R101.50 per stand-by duty shift. |
(3) | The transport, subsistence and stand-by allowance payable in terms of sub-clauses 1(a), 1(c)(i) and (2) respectively shall be adjusted annually by the prescribed minimum percentage wage increase that is agreed for that year. |
[Clause 1 of Part ll substituted by section 8 of Notice No. R. 1585, GG45617, dated 10 December 2021]