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Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)NoticesMotor Industry Bargaining Council (MIBCO)Extension to Non-Parties of the Main Collective AgreementDivision AClause 2: DefinitionsDefinitions (C) |
(grade 2 employee) means an employee employed at a service station who mainly or exclusively handles cash or card payments or purchases relating to the forecourt, convenient store, car wash attached to the business of a filling station on a regular basis and is solely responsible for the balancing of financial transactions at the end of the shift inclusive of any drop safe activities.
"casual employee"
means any employee who is temporarily or casually employed by the same employer—
(a) | for not longer than 24 hours, continuous or otherwise, in any one month on any of the duties as defined in the Agreement; |
(b) | for not longer than 104 days in the aggregate in any year if such employee is a student; |
means an establishment which is not registered under either Chapter II, III, IV or V of Division C of this Agreement;
means a vehicle body building establishment registered as such in terms of Chapter II of Division C of this Agreement;
means a component manufacturing establishment, registered as such in terms of Chapter III of Division C of this Agreement;
means an automotive engineering establishment, registered as such in terms of Chapter IV of Division C of this Agreement;
"Chapter V establishment"
means a component reconditioning establishment, registered as such in terms of Chapter V of Division C of this Agreement;
(grade 1 employee) (All Chapters) means an employee mainly or exclusively employed in any one or more of the following duties:
Cleaning and/or washing premises, toilets, furniture, utensils or similar articles;
dusting of vehicles;
franking of mail, placing of letters in envelopes, collection and delivery of mail and other documentation;
making and/or serving tea or similar beverages;
preparing food for staff members and for sale to the public;
washing, waxing and vacuuming motor vehicles in all establishments, including registered Auto Valet establishments;
polishing motor vehicles by hand;
"chopper out"
(grade 3 employee) (Chapter III) means an employee mainly or exclusively engaged under the supervision of a cutter in laying out trimming and upholstery materials, copying identification marks and patterns onto such materials, chalking or marking in the outlines of articles from patterns and cutting by hand or machine one or more layers of material according to the outlines so chalked or marked in;
"clerical/office employee"
(Division B) means an employee in an office who is mainly or exclusively engaged in clerical and/or administrative work such as writing and/or typing and/or operating a computer and includes storekeepers, timekeepers and telephone operators;
"clutch and brake operative"
(grade 6 employee) (Chapter I) means an employee mainly or exclusively engaged on—
machining of brake drums and/or discs and/or flywheels and who uses measuring instruments and/or may set and adjust lathes for this purpose;
fitting of clutches; and/or
assembling of clutch cover assemblies, including final adjustments to specifications and using measuring instruments;
"clutch cover assembly setter"
(grade 5 employee) (Chapter V) means an employee who under the supervision of a journeyman or apprentice or trainee registered in terms of the Skills Development Act is mainly or exclusively engaged in the following duties in an establishment registered in terms of Chapter V of Division C of this Agreement:
Assembly of clutch cover assemblies, including final adjustments to specifications and the use of measuring instruments;
"coach finished bodies"
in relation to an operative, Grade DV, means bodies, cabs, trailers or superstructures of vehicles on which filling and/or stopping up and/or rubbing down are done preparatory to the application of finishing coats;
means the Motor Industry Bargaining Council - MIBCO registered in terms of section 29 of the Act;
"cutter" (grade 4 employee) (Chapter III)
means an employee mainly or exclusively engaged in making patterns or templets;