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Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)NoticesBargaining Council for the Fishing IndustryVariation of Scope of the Bargaining Council for the Fishing IndustryAnnexure |
The scope of registration of the above-mentioned bargaining council has, in terms of section 58(1) of the Act been varied. With effect from 02 May 2023 the bargaining council is registered for the Bargaining Council for the Fishing Industry, as defined hereunder, in the Republic of South Africa.
For the purpose hereof—
"Fishing Industry" means the Industry in which employers and employees are associated for the purposes of legally exploiting in respect of Marine Living Resources Act, No. 18 of 1998, any form of marine living resource by searching, catching, taking of harvesting, farming, growing, the procuring and processing of fish, for financial gain, by Deep-Sea Bottom Trawling and In-Shore Bottom Trawling.
"Deep-Sea Bottom Trawling" means the fishing operations at sea in which the employers and their employees are associated for the purpose of Deep-Sea Bottom Trawling by way of a net for fin fish species outside a five nautical mile perimeter west of twenty degrees east longitude and outside the hundred-and ten meters isobaths east of twenty degree east longitude.
"In-Shore Bottom Trawling" means the fishing operations at sea in which the employers and their employees are associated for the purpose of Bottom Trawling within the hundred-and-ten meters isobaths.
"Processing of Fish" for the purposes of this definition means the activities undertaken on any vehicle or vessel at sea, where any substance or article is produced from any form of marine living resources by any method, including but not limited to the work of cutting up, dismembering, separating parts of, cleaning, sorting, lining and preserving thereof or where any form of marine living resources are packed, dried, gutted, salted, iced, chilled, frozen or otherwise processed for sale.