R 385
Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)NoticesNational Bargaining Council for the Hairdressing, Cosmetology, Beauty and Skincare IndustryExtension to Non-parties of the Consolidated Main Collective Agreement2. Period of Operation |
2.1 | The Agreement shall come into operation— |
2.1.1 | In respect of the parties, as from the 1st of June 2023, for a period of two and a half years, up and to the 31st of December 2025; and |
2.1.2 | in respect of non-parties, on such date as determined by the Minister of Employment and Labour in terms of section 32 of the Labour Relations Act, 1995, and shall remain in force until the 31st of December 2025. |
2.1.3 | in so far as any provision contained in this Main Collective Agreement is in conflict with the provisions of the National Minimum Wage Act, Act 9 of 2018 ("NMWA"), the provisions of the NMWA will prevail. |