R 385
Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)NoticesNational Bargaining Council for the Hairdressing, Cosmetology, Beauty and Skincare IndustryExtension to Non-parties of the Consolidated Main Collective AgreementAreasArea C34. Overtime |
34.1 | An Employer may not require an Employee to work more than 3 (three) hours a day or 10 (ten) hours per week in overtime. |
34.2 | An Employer must pay an Employee at least time and a half for daily overtime. |
34.3 | Where the parties agree, the Employer may grant the Employee 90 (ninety) minutes paid time off for each hours of unpaid overtime worked. Such time off must be granted during the week following the week in which the overtime was worked. |
34.4 | An Employer must give adequate notice to an Employee in respect of overtime to be worked. |
34.5 | An Employer must ensure that any Employee who is going to work overtime has had adequate time to partake in a meal preceding the overtime. |
34.6 | Overtime may not be off-set against "short-time". |
34.7 | An Employer may not require an Employee who ordinarily does not work on a Sunday to work on a Sunday except in accordance with an agreement. |
34.8 | If an Establishment is usually open on Sundays and an Employee is required to work on a Sunday in addition to their normal weekly hours of 45 (forty-five) hours per week, then the Employee must be paid for the hours worked on the Sunday at a rate of 1.5 (one point five) their normal hourly rate of pay. |
34.9 | If a salon is not usually open on Sundays and an Employee is required to work on a Sunday in addition to their normal weekly hours of 45 (forty-five) hours per week, then the Employee must be paid for the hours worked on the Sunday at a rate of 2 (two) times their normal hourly rate of pay. |
34.10 | If an Employee works on a Sunday as part of their normal weekly hours of 45 (forty-five) hours per week then the Employee is paid at 1.5 (one point five) their normal hourly rate of pay. |
34.11 | An Employer must pay an Employee and not grant time off in lieu of hours worked on a Sunday in excess of 45 (forty-five) hours. |