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Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)NoticesNational Bargaining Council for the Hairdressing, Cosmetology, Beauty and Skincare IndustryExtension to Non-parties of the Consolidated Main Collective AgreementAnnexuresAnnexure I : Rules of Sick Pay Fund8. Procedure to institute claim against SPF |
8.1. | Any claim against the SPF shall be submitted by no later than 90 (ninety) days after the date upon which any medical condition, examination or procedure occurs. |
8.2. | The Bargaining Council may grant condonation for a claim being instituted outside the period stated in clause 8.1 above. |
8.3. | A claim against the SPF shall be submitted in the following manner and form:— |
8.3.1. | on the claim form attached to these rules, duly completed; |
8.3.2. | be accompanied by: | | the original or certified copy of the medical certificate and bank account statement; | | a certified copy of the member's identity document, only id no copy of the identity document is available on the Council's system; | | written confirmation of the Employer, Working Employer or Legal Owner, stating the period of absence; | | a birth certificate of the child born in the event of a female member claiming a maternity benefit. |
8.4. | The claim form duly completed together with the supporting documents recorded in the clause 8.3 above, shall be submitted to the SPF by hand, e-mail, facsimile or registered mall. |
8.5. | In the event of a member claiming for the SPF on more than one occasion in any calendar year, the documents to be submitted by the member shall be limited to the duly completed claim form and the original or certified copy of the medical certificate. |
8.6. | Any claim instituted against the SPF which:— |
8.6.1. | is submitted on a claim form which is not duly completed or is illegible; |
8.6.2. | is not accompanied by any of the aforesaid supporting documentation; |
8.6.3. | the medical certificate or any part thereof is blank or illegible will not be processed. |
8.7. | The SPF will execute its best endeavours to make payment to the member in respect of a claim instituted, on the member's usual payday following the claim being submitted, or the date upon which the member has fully complied with the requirements as set forth in clause 8.3 above, whichever is the later. |