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Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)NoticesBargaining Council for the Furniture Manufacturing IndustryExtension to Non-Parties of the Main Collective Amending AgreementNotice No. R. 4752 of 2024Schedule |
In accordance with the provisions of the Labour Relations Act 1995 (Act No 66 of 1995)(as amended), made and entered into by and between the
Furniture, Bedding & Upholstery Manufacturers' Association for the Greater Northern Region
(hereinafter referred to as the "employers" or the "employers' organisations"), of the one part,
and the
National Union of Furniture and Allied Workers of South Africa
Chemical, Energy, Paper, Printing, Wood and Allied Workers Union (CEPPWAWU)
(hereinafter referred to as the "employees" or the "trade unions"), of the other part
being parties to the Furniture Bargaining Council
hereby agree to amend and extend the Main Collective Agreement published under Government
Notice No. R.1727 of 31 March 2023 and Government Notice No. R. 3561 of 23 June 2023, R.4206 of 3 November 2023 and Government Notice No. R. 4233 of 5 January 2024.