Acts Online
GT Shield

Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)


South African Road Passenger Bargaining Council

Extension to Non-Parties of the Main Collective Agreement


Annexure B - Dispute Resolution

10. Joining of Parties to proceedings


10.1. SARPBAC or a Commissioner may join any number of persons as Parties in proceedings, if the right to relief depends on substantially the same question of law or fact.


10.2. A Commissioner may make an order joining any person as a Party in the proceedings if the Party to be joined has a substantial interest in the subject matter of the proceedings.


10.3. A Commissioner may make an order in terms of Clause 10(2) above,
10.3.1 on the Commissioner's own accord, or
10.3.2 on application by a Party, or
10.3.3 if a  person  entitled to join the  proceedings  applies at  any  time during the proceedings to intervene as a Party.


10.4. An application to join any person as a Party to proceedings must be accompanied by copies of all documents previously delivered unless the person concerned or that person's representative is already in possession of the documents.


10.5. Subject to any order made in terms of Clause 10.2 above, a joiner in terms of this clause does not affect any steps already taken in the proceedings.