Acts Online
GT Shield

Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)


South African Road Passenger Bargaining Council

Extension to Non-Parties of the Main Collective Agreement


Annexure B - Dispute Resolution

15. Unrepresented applicants without contact details


15.1 An unrepresented applicant who intends to refer a dispute to SARPBAC and who does not have a postal address or fax number, or email must hand deliver the referral form to SARPBAC.


15.2 If a referral form as contemplated in clause 15.1 above is received SARPBAC must provide the applicant with a case number and written instructions to contact SARPBAC by telephone or in person, within seven days of the date of referral, for SARPBAC to notify the applicant of the details of the hearing.


15.3 The administrator who notifies the applicant of the hearing in terms of clause 15(2) above must record on the case file and on the case management system that the applicant has been notified of the details of the hearing.


15.4 The record made in terms of clause 15.3 above will constitute proof that the applicant was notified of the hearing.