Acts Online
GT Shield

Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)


South African Road Passenger Bargaining Council

Extension to Non-Parties of the Main Collective Agreement


Annexure B - Dispute Resolution

8. Lodging Documents with SARPBAC


8.1 The Party declaring the dispute must lodge the required dispute referral document and all supporting documentation with SARPBAC by;


handing the documents to an Official of SARPBAC, or

faxing the documents to SARPBAC, or

sending the documents by registered post to SARPBAC, or

sending the documents by Courier to SARPBAC, or

sending a copy of the documents by e-mail to SARPBAC.


8.2 Documents will only be considered lodged with SARPBAC on the date on which SARPBAC receives such referral documents.


8.3 It is the sole responsibility of the referring Party to ensure the timely delivery  of the documents to SARPBAC and to verify receipt of the documents by SARPBAC.