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Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)NoticesNational Bargaining Council for the Chemical IndustryGlass Sector2023/2025 Collective AgreementChapter 9 - COVID-19 and Work From Home25. COVID-19 |
25.1. | Vaccination: |
Paid time off for scheduled vaccination where dedicated workplace vaccination facilities are not available.
25.2. Covid-19 Leave:
Glass Sector is cognisant of the realities employees face due to the pandemic, the requirement for time off to recuperate, isolate or quarantine as legitimate circumstances may dictate during the State if Disaster due to COVID-19
In principle, employers do not wish for employees to suffer loss of income as a result of absences due to COVID-19 realities. Employers are supportive of employees taking paid sick leave/time off to enable a safe and responsible response to COVID-19-related periods away from the workplace and the well-being of broader communities. Employers will support employees to access paid sick leave, paid sick leave that may be available from a previous sick leave cycle in line with Clause 11 of the agreement, to avoid loss of income. Should the current and previous cycle sick leave be exhausted, employers undertake to enable employees with additional support by means of a further discretionary allocation of paid days away from the workplace, which may not exceed l0 days per annum. Supporting documentation, as per business requirements of best practise and leave administration and records, will be required to access same in circumstances directly related to Covid-19 recuperation, isolation and quarantine requirements.