R 385
Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)NoticesNational Bargaining Council for the Chemical IndustryGlass Sector2023/2025 Collective AgreementChapter 11 - Path to Zero Harm, Just Transition and Strikes28. Just Transition related to 4IR and Low Carbon Economy |
28.1 | Having regard to the nature of the glass industry and taking into consideration the following realities in the glass manufacturing process: |
• | The modern glass making process, where sand is mixed with recycled glass, soda ash and limestone before being heated in a furnace to around 1700cc, has fundamentally remained the same for decades and it is highly unlikely that any new revolutionary technological changes will happen in the foreseeable future. The glass sector, like most industrial businesses, is unlikely to be affected by the 4IR and this phenomenon does not feature i n any of the member companies' business risks and mitigation plans. |
• | The implication of the low carbon economy on the glass sector is mainly in respect of (a) efficient use of energy & reduction in the consumption of electricity; and (b) progressive measures to reduce harmful gasses and fully comply with the applicable Air Quality standards. All the industry initiatives aimed at addressing these issues are not expected to have any material impact on the new skills requirements and size of the workforce. |
28.2 | Any contemplated structural, technological, and economic changes in the workplace that may lead to possible redundancies to continue to be dealt with in terms of S189 of the LRA at plant or company level. |
28.3 | The existing platforms for Labour / Management engagement be utilised for open sharing of infom1ation on the state of the business and any changes that are being contemplated so that any S189 process, should it be necessary, it does not come as a surprise to the affected employees. |
28.4 | Parties commit themselves to act jointly in lobbying against any industrial policy or regulations that have negative impact on the survival and sustainability of the glass sector. GIEA is and will continue to actively participate in CHIETA structures (Glass Chamber) to advance skills development of the workforce and shape the new curriculum and qualifications that are relevant to the industry. |