R 385
Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)NoticesNational Bargaining Council for the Clothing Manufacturing IndustryExtension to Non-Parties of the COVID-19 Lockdown II Collective AgreementAnnexure A1. Strengthening Industry Healthcare Provisions |
The parties
1.1. | Acknowledge that healthcare provisions at workplace level in our industry require improvement. |
1.2. | Further acknowledge that its current industry healthcare facilities can play a positive contributing role to help alleviate healthcare service deficiencies of all workers in our industry pipeline, not only of clothing workers. |
1.3. | The parties commit to improve and expand healthcare service delivery healthcare provisions to all workers in our industry pipeline, and in this regard: |
1.3.1. | Agree to expand healthcare clinic facilities to our non-metro areas by commencing, as soon as practically possible and mindful of resource shortages, the building of a new industry healthcare clinic facility in a non-metro area in the Province of KwaZulu-Natal, drawing on the surplus of the KZN Health Care Fund. |
1.3.2. | Take steps to allow access for all workers in our industry pipeline and SACTWU members in general, irrespective of sector, to the currently existing and future health care clinics of the Council. |
1.3.3. | Initiate a process to fully position the current health care clinics of the Council as support infrastructure for the National Health Insurance (NHI). |
1.3.4. | Agree to integrate the SACTWU Worker Health Care Project (SWHP) staff (who voluntarily agree) into the various Council Health Care Funds and to expand the current healthcare fund services to include additional value-added SWHP services not currently provided for by the healthcare clinics. |
1.3.5. | Rebuild and strengthen workplace health and safety committees. |
1.3.6. | For Council to contract industrial engineers who can advise on workflow issues to limit health risk transmissions at the workplace. |
1.3.7. | Support the call for the ratification of ILO Convention 190, to help combat workplace gender-based violence. |
1.3.8. | Require ail companies in the industry to submit annual workplace health and safety plans to the Council, commencing immediately and urgently with the submission of customised anti-COVID-19 workplace plans. |
1.3.9. | Agree that the submission of the annual workplace health and safety workplace plans referred to in sub-clause 5.3.7 of this agreement shall be a new requirement for the issuing of Council Compliance Certificates. |
1.3.10. | Agree that the Council should re-imburse the trade union for the costs incurred for the recent COVID-19 awareness training programmes for shop stewards and human resources personnel. |
1.3.11. | Agree to place an item called "Industry Health Care Challenges and Opportunities" as a standard item on all agenda's of Council meetings, for the consideration of Council. |
1.3.12. | Agree that staff of the Council and its Health Care Clinics shall be provided with the necessary awareness, prevention and treatment support to help combat the spread of COVID-19, and shall be paid in full during the period of a lockdown (should a lockdown occur), or isolation and/or quarantine periods in the event that isolation and/or quarantine periods are required. |