Acts Online
GT Shield

Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)


Bargaining Council for the Laundry Cleaning and Dyeing Industry

Kwa Zulu Natal

Extension to Non-Parties of the Main Collective Agreement

Part G : Organisational Rights

30. Trade Union Representation on the Council


30.1 Every employer must give employees who are representatives or attend on the Council every reasonable facility to attend to their duties arising from their work on the Council.


30.2 Union officials, authorised by the union and the Council in writing, must apply to employers for permission to enter their premises during times acceptable to the employer, for the purpose of talking to members or handing out notices, and such permission may not be unreasonably withheld.


30.3 Union members of the Council Executive must be given ten days' paid leave per annum to attend to union matters, on notification by the union to the employer concerned.