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Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)NoticesNational Bargaining Council for the Wood and Paper SectorExtension of Collective Agreement on Conditions of Service : Pulp and Paper Sector to Non-partiesAnnexure A : Conciliation and Arbitration Guidelines2. Purpose of guidelines |
2.1. | The purpose of these guidelines are— |
(a) | to inform users of the Council's conciliation process of the policies and procedures adopted by the Council in conciliation; |
(b) | to help Conciliators perform their functions; and |
(c) | to promote consistency in the Council's approach to conciliation proceedings. |
2.2. | These guidelines are drawn from the Commission for Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration's (C.C.M.A.) best practice, the decisions of Commissioners of the CCMA, the courts, and the law. |