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Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)SchedulesSchedule 9 : Model Constitution for a Statutory CouncilAnnexure |
Necessary first steps to be followed by council
(1) | At the first meeting of the council, which will be held— |
(a) | the council, by a show of hands, must select a suitable person to act as chairperson of that meeting, subject to paragraph (c), as well as another to keep the minutes of the meeting; |
(b) | the council must elect the chairperson and the deputy chairperson and the additional members of the executive committee in the manner set out in clauses 9 and 7 respectively, read with the changes required by the context; |
(c) | the newly-elected chairperson of the council must take over the chair at that meeting; |
(d) | the council must appoint the officials contemplated in clause 6(3)(c), (d) and(e) ; and |
(e) | the council must appoint an auditor to perform the audit of the council in respect of its first financial year. |
(2) | The secretary, in the manner contemplated in clause 10(1)(g), must as soon as possible prepare, for submission at the next ordinary meeting of the council, a budget for the council for its first financial year.". |
[NOTE: According to the above model constitution, the council"s certificate of registration is, upon receipt, to be attached to its constitution (see clause 2). If not so attached, the constitution of a council following the model will be incomplete.]