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Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)

Chapter III : Collective Bargaining

Part F : General Provisions concerning Councils

57. Changing constitution or name of council


(1) Any council may resolve to change or replace its constitution.


(2) The council must send the registrar a copy of the resolution and a certificate signed by its secretary stating that the resolution complies with its constitution.


(3) The registrar must—
(a) register the changed or new constitution of a council if it meets the requirements of section 30 or if it is a statutory council established in terms of section 41 if it meets the requirements of the model constitution referred to in section 207(3); and
(b) send the council a copy of the resolution endorsed by the registrar, certifying that the change or replacement has been registered.


(4) The changed or new constitution takes effect from the date of the registrar’s certification.


(5) Any council may resolve to change its name.


(6) The council must send the registrar a copy of the resolution and the original of its current certificate of registration.


(7) The registrar must—
(a) enter the new name in the register of councils, and issue a certificate of registration in the new name of the council;
(b) remove the old name from that register and cancel the earlier certificate of registration; and
(c) send the new certificate to the council.


(8) The new name takes effect from the date that the registrar enters it in the register of councils.