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GT Shield

Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)


Bargaining Council for the Metal and Engineering Industries

Main Collective Agreement

Part 2

4. Technical Schedules

Schedule E/3

Wage Rates Applicable to Operations Scheduled in Schedule E/3 are Prescribed in Clause 3(a) of Part II of this agreement

Section (b): Installation Section

Subsection (b)(iv): Insulation



1. Application of insulating materials to pipe fittings, ductings and equipment using tape and or rule.
2. Cladding duct, pipe or equipment insulation with sheetmetal, aluminium or other rigid covering using tape and/or rule and under supervision of Rate AA employee.
3. Plastering of insulation applied to ducts, piping and equipment.
4. Application of insulation materials to walls, floors, and ceilings as used in plenums and/or plant rooms, using tape and/or rule and under supervision of Rate AA employee, including the fixing of brandering, metal sections and rigid covering or expanded metal cladding.



1. Assist in the application of insulating materials, including trimming, to manufactured duct work or installed straight pipework using a spraygun or pinspotter or strapping under supervision of Rate D employee.
2. Laying of fibreglass or other insulating materials on ceilings.
3. Applying sealant and/or adhesive.
4. Repetition hand riveting (10 mm diameter or less).
5. Touching up with paint and/or prime coating.
6. Repetition marking and/or tracing to templets.
7. Trimming by hand and/or by power tools.
8. Application of polyurethane foam into enclosed spaces.
9. Application of vapour seal to pipe and/or duct insulation, including the application of canvas or other facings.
10. Buffing and/or finishing and/or polishing by hand and/or power tools.
11. Repetition hand drilling and/or tapping and/or thread clearing.



1. Cementing of insulation.
2. Cleaning by hand.
3. Coating by brush and/or dipping.