Acts Online
GT Shield

Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)


National Bargaining Council for the Clothing Manufacturing Industry

Main Collective Agreement

Part A : Provisions for the Eastern Cape Region


Annexure A : Code of Good Practice on Key Aspects of HIV/AIDS and Employment within the Clothing Manufacturing Industry of South Africa

14. Assessing the Impact of HIV/AIDS on the Workplace


14.1. Employers and the trade union should develop appropriate strategies to understand, assess and respond to the impact of HIV/AIDS in their particular workplace and sector. This should be done in cooperation with sectoral, local, provincial and national initiatives by government, civil society and non-governmental organisations.


14.2. Broadly, impact assessments should include:
(i) Risk profiles; and
(ii) Assessment of the direct and indirect costs of HIV/AIDS;


14.3. Risk profiles may include an assessment of the following:
(i) The vulnerability of individual employees or categories of employees to HIV infection;
(ii) The nature and operations of the organisation and how these may increase susceptibility to HIV infection (e.g. migrancy or hostel dwellings);
(iii) A profile of the communities from which the organisation draws its employees;
(iv) A profile of the communities surrounding the organisation’s place of operation; and
(v) An assessment of the impact of HIV/AIDS upon their target markets and client base.


14.4. The assessments should also consider the impact that the HIV/AIDS epidemic may have on:
(i) Direct costs such as costs to employee benefits, medical costs and increased costs related to staff turnover such as training and recruitment costs and the costs of implementing an HIV/AIDS programme;
(ii) Indirect costs such as costs incurred as a result of increased absenteeism, employee morbidity, loss of productivity, a general decline in workplace morale and possible workplace disruption;


14.5. The cost effectiveness of any HIV/AIDS interventions should also be measured as part of an impact assessment