(1) |
In terms of section 28 (1) (g) of the Act, read with clause 3.6 and 3.7 of the Council"s Constitution, a fund to protect the fashion industry from further job losses and decline, which shall be known as the Fashion Industry Protection Fund (hereinafter referred to as "the Fund") is hereby established. |
(2) |
The objects of the Fund shall be to provide financial support to campaigns and programmes engaged in by the parties to the Bargaining Council, where such programmes are aimed at protecting the Industry in the respective Region. |
(3) |
The Fund shall commence on such date as decided by the parties to the Regional Council and shall continue to operate until such date as the Regional Chamber and the parties thereto may decide. |
(4) |
Every employer shall, each week, deduct from the wages of each of his employees for whom wages are prescribed in this part of the Agreement, an amount of 10 cents. |
(5) |
An employer shall, in respect of each employee from whose wages deductions are made in terms of subclause (4) above, contribute an amount of 12 cents per week. |
(6) |
The total sum representing the employer"s contributions and the employees" contributions shall be forwarded monthly by the employer to the Regional Secretary of the Regional Chamber, by not later than the payment date specified in the relevant part of the Agreement and in the form and manner specified in relevant clause of each part of the Agreement. |
(7) |
The moneys collected by the Regional Chamber shall be paid monthly by the Regional Chamber into a bank account styled "Fashion Industry Protection Fund" opened by the Regional Chamber of the Bargaining Council for the purpose of receiving these funds and for disbursing them for the purpose for which they are intended. |
(8) |
The moneys collected shall be used by the Regional Chamber to finance the following bona fide strategies in pursuit of the objects of the Fund as set out in subclause (2), and including |
(a) |
"Buy Local" campaigns; |
(b) |
Combating customs fraud and illegal imports; or |
(c) |
for such other strategies as meet the objectives of the Fund. |
(9) |
During the period of operation of the Fund, should the Southern African Clothing & Textile Workers" Union (SACTWU) and/or the Regional Employers’ Associations who are members of the Bargaining Council become or wish to become engaged in additional strategies or bona fide activities in pursuit of the objectives of the Fund other than those specified in subclause (8), they may apply in writing to the Regional Chamber for the activities in question to be recognised by the Regional Chamber as an authorised strategy or activity which can be financed in terms of the Fund"s provisions. The decision as to whether to recognise the strategy or activity in question shall be at the sole discretion of the Regional Chamber and shall be recorded as a resolution of the Regional Chamber. |
(10) |
The Fund"s moneys shall be used to meet all reasonable expenses incurred in pursuit of the authorised activities in regard to the strategies referred to above and may not be used for any unauthorised purpose or activity. |
(11) |
If SACTWU or the Regional Employers’ Association is in doubt about whether contemplated expenditure of the Fund"s moneys qualifies as expenditure on an authorised activity, SACTWU or the Regional Employers’ Association, as, the case may be, may request confirmation in advance from the Regional Chamber in this regard. |
(12) |
No moneys of the Fund shall be disbursed by the Regional Chamber until the Fund has been established by this part of the Agreement and SACTWU, the Regional Employers’ Association and the Regional Chamber have signed a written agreement. |
(13) |
Any interest that is earned on Fund moneys at any time shall be used for the benefit of the activities and purposes authorised in terms of the Fund. |
(14) |
SACTWU and the Regional Employers’ Association shall, as the need arises, provide the Regional Chamber with a financial plan of how the funds will be utilised towards achieving the objectives of the Fund. The plan shall be submitted to the Regional Chamber for approval. |
(15) |
Expenditure incurred by the parties shall be paid by the Fund against invoices or vouchers submitted to the Regional Secretary of the Regional Chamber, provided he or she is satisfied that the expenditure— |
(a) |
is in terms of the approved plan; |
(b) |
is clearly classified by strategy, activity and the nature of the expense; and |
(c) |
has been authorised by the Regional Secretary or National Secretary of SACTWU, or the Executive Director of the Regional Employers’ Association. |
Should the Regional Secretary of the Regional Chamber deem it necessary, such approved expenditure shall be presented to the Regional Chamber for approval prior to payment.
(16) |
Any expenses that have been incurred by SACTWU or the Regional Employers’ Association for unauthorised purposes or activities and which have been paid or reimbursed to SACTWU or the Regional Employers’ Association, may be recovered by the Regional Chamber from SACTWU or the Regional Employers’ Association, as the case may be. |
(17) |
The Regional Secretary of the Regional Chamber shall be obliged to account to the Regional Chamber every two months in relation to income and expenditure of the Fund. This accounting to the Regional Chamber shall include, but not be limited to, providing a schedule summarising the expenses incurred on authorised activities in pursuance of the objects of the Fund and in respect of which payment is claimed. |
(18) |
SACTWU and the Regional Employers’ Association shall be obliged to report back to the Regional Chamber every two months after the establishment of the Fund on the activities undertaken by their organisation in pursuance of the objects of the Fund and for which funds have been disbursed. |
(19) |
In the event that there is a disagreement between the parties as to whether any activity or expenditure or proposed activity or expenditure falls within the objects of the Fund, either party may refer a dispute in this regard for conciliation in terms of clause 15.5 of the Council"s Constitution and, if it remains unresolved after conciliation, the proposing party may request the Regional Chamber in writing that the dispute be resolved through arbitration in accordance with clause of the Council"s Constitution. |
(20) |
Each party to this part of the Agreement has a pre-emptive right to require all undertakings or commitments between the parties, not only those referred to in this resolution, to be reduced to writing. |